< Nubile Savage

Nubile Savage/Playing With

Basic Trope: A (typically female) character meant to be from a native tribe or otherwise uncivilized clime is strikingly attractive according to the standards of the contemporary audience.

  • Straight: Cavewoman Alna is tall, slim, and well-groomed despite the fact that she lives in a mud hut with fifteen others and washes in a stream. She wears primitive leather clothing which happens to cover about as much as a stylish bikini does in 2010.
  • Exaggerated: Cavewoman Alna emerges from the mud hut wearing professionally-applied cosmetics and highlights in her hair.
  • Justified: Alna is young, gets a lot of physical exercise, has access to a varied diet, and has figured out the basics of personal grooming.
  • Inverted: Alna's appearance and dress are realistic for a hunter-gatherer culture. However, the men of her tribe all have clean-shaven faces and chests, buff, well-oiled muscles, and well-groomed hair, and all of them wear tight, bikini-brief loincloths.
    • An overweight, unattractive 21st-century woman is strikingly attractive to all the men of a native tribe.
  • Subverted: Alna is even less attractive, by contemporary audience standards, than the males of her culture.
  • Double Subverted: Until she accidentally invents soap.
  • Parodied: Alna's contemporary-style beauty is the result of a chance meeting with a time-travelling Avon lady.
  • Deconstructed: Alna's looks, while beautiful by the audience's standards, are so out of line with the standards of her tribe that she is shunned, ostracized, and believes herself to be ugly...
    • Something is wrong with Alna. Her clan looks the way it does because they're adapted to their environment. Her lack of her makes her suseptable to the cold, she's been unable to put on enough weight to survive winter and bright complexion is a result of "pretty" lepersy.
  • Reconstructed: ...until she finds a nearby, slightly more evolved tribe she fits in with. Sounds familiar...
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: The native population follow standards of beauty which are plausible for the setting and may or may not be in line with what a contemporary audience prefers.
  • Enforced: Even though the film makers wanted to make a grittily realistic film, Executive Meddling declares that Alna must look really hot to draw in the young male audience.
  • Lampshaded: "Alna spend all time making self look pretty, not gather berries and dig for roots like other women of tribe."
  • Invoked: "Alna" is a 21st-century anthropologist who poses as a beautiful native to distract a group of rival explorers.
  • Defied: "Me no want look like your city women. Me and men of tribe think me pretty just like am. You take bad city-women things away and leave tribe alone."
  • Discussed: "I understand that she has a varied diet and makes lots of exercise. But aren't the prehistoric hair conditioner and breast implants a bit of a stretch?"
  • Conversed: "Don't worry, the cavemen are ugly trolls, but every cavewoman we see is going to be hot."

You go back to Nubile Savage page with Alna for more tropes...but no snou-snou! Alna not that kind of girl.

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