< Nothing Up My Sleeve
Nothing Up My Sleeve/Playing With
Basic Trope: A weapon is pulled out of a character's sleeve.
- Straight: Alex pulls out a gun from his right sleeve when confronting Betty.
- Exaggerated: Hammerspace.
- Downplayed: Alex pulls out a safety pin from his sleeve.
- Justified: Alex has hid his weapons on his sleeves in case he doesn't have one.
- Alex wants to appear to be unarmed.
- Inverted: Alex pulls a weapon from his pant legs.
- Alex pulls sleeves from a gun.
- Subverted: During a confrontation with Betty, Alex reaches for something in his sleeve, which was just a handkerchief to wipe his head.
- Double Subverted: He pulls out a dagger from inside the handkerchief.
- Parodied: Alex pulls out an arsenal of weapons from his sleeve that goes on forever and ever and ever.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: Alex's weapons are not kept in his sleeve at any point.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: "Nothing up my sleeve, no wait, yes there is."
- Invoked: Alex hides weapons in his sleeves to always be prepared.
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: Betty asks Alex to remove his shirt upon meeting him.
- Discussed: "It's sometimes a bit uncomfortable keeping a gun in your sleeve the whole time, but you get used to it."
- Conversed: "It's a good thing these guys never wear short sleeves."
- Deconstructed: Alex happens to hide a sharp weapon up his sleeve, and gets injured because of it.
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