< Nose Yodeling

Nose Yodeling/Quotes

Sam Dunn: It seems as though Layne Staley, Eddie Vedder kind of set in motion a new style of male rock-vocal, would you agree with that?
Jack Endino: I call it Yarling.
Dunn: "Yarling?"
Endino: (nasally) Yarli-wo-aaal! Thaaat's yarling

Scene Transition

Mark Arm: Before I heard the term "Yarl," my friends and I called it "under-bite rock"; it sounds like the singer is going (droning heavily) "Aaaahhh" with an under-bite.

Scene Transition

Dale Crover: (low baritone) Heeey-yuh!
Buzz Osbourne: (low baritone) Yeeeah-uh! Yeah-uh! (Speaking normally) We gotta try that.
Cover: (starts mimicking a fog horn)

Osbourne: (also mimics a fog horn)
Interviews, Metal Evolution episode 7, "Grunge".
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