< Northanger Abbey

Northanger Abbey/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Catherine's encounter with the cabinet.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The heroine of the definitive Gothic romance parody is named CATHERINE!
  • Les Yay:
    • Isabella's undisguised jealousy of Catherine's budding friendship with Eleanor Tilney can easily be interpreted this way now.
    • Isabella's friendship with Catherine from the very beginning had overtones of this, particularly when Austen mentions how they always "joined arms" when they were together...
    • That last is only a modern construction, though. In the context of the culture, women holding hands (or joining arms) was a perfectly natural gesture of friendship which had nothing to do with their sexual orientation.
  • Unfortunate Implications : In the 2007 telefilm, one meets a mild version.

Jane Austen (narrating and making a description about Catherine) : By the age of fifteen, appearances had mended, and Catherine was in training to be an heroine (the story continues and it is implied, when the girl gets a proposal by 20-something year-old Mr Tilney , to take place the same year).

    • However it is later precised that they find happiness in their marriage at the respective ages of 18 and 26, which means still that they were probably, at the time of the meeting, 15/16 and 23/24 years old.
  • Values Dissonance: John Thorpe describes someone as being "rich as a Jew."
  • Weird Al Effect: This is much more studied these days than the literature it mentions.
    • To the point that most readers thought Jane Austen invented most of the Gothic titles she listed, turns out they're all real.
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