< Nodwick
- Anvilicious: Occasionally.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: only Piffany could disable an evil cleric with GOSH-DARNED SMILEY FACES.
- Remember that thief that was in the party before they hired Nodwick? The reason the group couldn't get rid of him was because his contract stated that unless he was caught stealing from the party, they couldn't fire him. Unfortunately, he was so good that no method the group tried could catch him in the act and Yeagar ultimately ended up resorting to scrambling his grey matter with a cursed artifact in order to get him out of the party. When this proved to be a temporary solution, it's Nodwick who saves the day by rigging the swag he was carrying so that a precious and valuable item that said thief wanted to steal would serve as a lynchpin. Its removal buried the thief under the pile of loot, resulting in him being caught and finally being fired from the party. Said thief got the last word though, as he responded by stealing the clothes off Nodwick's back before leaving.
- Then there was the time when Yeager was being controlled by the Gauntlet of Supremacy, which caused him to raise an army to wage a world war with. When Nodwick and co. go in his mind to save him, they find Yeager practically broken by the Gauntlet. Yet when reminded of Rowen, the one woman he's ever loved, he breaks free. From the mind controll of a god-created epic item of evil!
- Evil Is Sexy: Brought up to explain why Countess Repugsive pretends to be male.
Repugsive: Evil girls are only taken seriously when they're hot. While I was alive, I didn't look much better than I do now.
Zorion: That would explain the "wonderful personality" you were famous for...
- Magnificent Bastard: Baphuma'al.
- Out-of-Character Moment: In the Future Badass strip, upon hearing that Nodwick has become a competent, powerful adventurer in his own right as a result of constant time-looping, Yeager expresses the opinion that he's not sure if he likes the idea of Nodwick being better then all three of them, and Artax agrees to wipe his memories of his true power once he gets them out of this mess. Not only do they say this out loud and in front of Piffany, Piffany quite blithely encourages them to do so by telling them to keep an eye out for a spare left hand she can use to replace the hook the Adventurer-Nodwick has.
- Purity Sue: Piffany's goodness is so infamous that at one point she is courted by every goodly aligned being in the cosmos to be their avatar, because she's SO virtuous and pure that having her would increase their power exponentially. How does she get out of this sticky wicket? It's revealed in another entry below...
- This is even lampshaded by Word of God. Her character sheet actually states that harming or attempting to harm Piffany can be considered an act of pure evil. One comic even had Artax and Yeager beat the crap out of a complaining rescued noble for making Piffany cry.
- "She had a tragically supportive upbringing". Probably.
- Statistically Speaking Either Inverted or played straight Nodwick whose stats say he's weaker than Artax can lift an impossably heavy object and move it across the room because somebody thought it would look better there, but if he were to lift it it would surely snap his spine.
- Tear Jerker: A representative of the Powers What Is offers Nodwick a chance to stay dead forever. Nodwick balks, whereupon the rep takes him into the possible future after his death only to find Piffany having a perpetual Heroic BSOD over Nodwick's final death, building and maintaining a huge monument and garden in memory of "the one I couldn't save".
- Love Makes You Evil:/LoveRedeems: When Yeager describes his history with Rowen it sounds like he became a jerk because things didn't work out between them. When Rowen describes the past it sounds morelike he only acted nice sometimes for her.
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