Nobody Scores
Nobody Scores! is, as the under title puts it, a little comic about inevitable disaster. Three roommates (and their next-door neighbor) have "adventures" which frequently consist of at least one of them dying or being brutally injured in an extremely comic manner. Everything's back to the way it was in the next strip (unless it's a multi-parter).
The characters are:
- Sara Peterson: the frequent straight person to Beans and Jane, Sara wants to be a Corrupt Corporate Executive.
- Jane Doe: the funny sociopath of the group, she's often the instigator of their "wacky schemes."
- Beans Mulroney: the resident angsty artist.
- Raoul Walker: their downstairs neighbor and the true straight man. He's very smart and snarky. Also, "he hates you very much."
Other characters include:
- Genghis Khan: works at as a copy editor in Sara's Office.
- Skeleton Warrior: likes to shout "CREEEEEEE!" a lot.
- Rafael: brings the fun.
- Fucking Julie: is Sara's workplace rival.
Tropes used in Nobody Scores include:
- Black Comedy: Almost every strip. The death of main characters is played for laughs on a regular basis.
- Cosplay: Parodied here.
- Cowboy Cop: Parodied.
- Dada Comics: Falls into this because of many, many surreal moments, including a black box that ejects severed heads of celebrities.
- Die for Our Ship: In-Universe Parody: "Hermione loves Snape!" "Hermione loves me!"
- Extreme Omnivore: Jane Doe. Actually played about as realistically as you could expect, for a Negative Continuity Gag A Day strip: she apparently gets her stomach pumped a lot. By age eight, she has had at least fifteen pumpings, the latest (at the time) being a can opener. This didn't stop in childhood, either. On occasion, it even results in death.
- For Inconvenience Press One - Seen here.
- Funetik Aksent
- Homage: To many things, including family comics and Homicide: Life on the Street.
- Kafka Komedy
- Kill'Em All: The end of each comic frequently sees one or more characters dead.
- Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Jane. More like crazy insane girl though.
- In "Nobody Scores with Pixie Chicks", Jane resents being a trophy quirky girlfriend and decides to adopt respectability as a quirk.
- "Nerf" ends with her date assuming her sudden inability to walk is also a quirk.
- Negative Continuity: Or, as the FAQ states, "There's no continuity in Nobody Scores! Unless specified by a handy sign that says "Part One" or "Part Two." So when the world gets overrun by wombats or Sara becomes a vampire or Beans dies of consumption, everything goes rewind before the next comic, exposing our beloved cast to more horrible, horrible fates. Imagine Groundhog Day without a victory condition."
- Nice Hat: Sara, who changes hats for nearly every comic. As the FAQ states, there's no continuity in Nobody Scores.
- Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie: "Pirates vs. Ninjas: The Worsening".
- Planet Eris: Genghis Khan works as a copy editor and nobody comments about it. And he kills lots of people, too.
- Retool: During one of the sporadic hiatuses he contemplated replacing the entire cast and setting. During the latest hiatus he's now just contemplating replacing the setting.
- Shout-Out - Several in-jokes based on Firefly and Serenity, such as in the margin notes on the bottom of these two comics, and the pilot's name in this comic. Gee, I think he's a fan!
- Of course, there are other Shout Outs, such as the one here to another cult movie, and here to a less-cult, but still pulpy movie.
- This Is My Boomstick: Subverted.
- True Art: In-Universe Parody, most often with Beans.
- You Fail Logic Forever: "Trash those invalid views with classical panache!"
- Zombie Apocalypse: "She's now a newly viable member of the workforce!"
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