< No Ordinary Family

No Ordinary Family/YMMV

  • Angst? What Angst?: The family doesn't seem very concerned that Daphne had her memory wiped by Katie's boyfriend suffered psychological trauma that made her lose her memory...
    • Of course, when Jim finds out later how it really happened...let's just say it's a good thing Katie can serve as a universal Morality Pet.
  • Express Delivery: Katie's pregnancy. That happened...fast.
  • Fetish Fuel: Or something (Power Perversion Potential, Fridge Horror), but if Victoria had managed to kill Jim and replaced him, that would have meant she'd have to do all sorts of Jim things including being intimate.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Why did Watcher fall for Katie? Well sure, she's cute, smart, and all these things. But remember else what both of them have in common. They wanted to be accepted (more or less). Watcher wants to be normal and have a family/be loved. Katie was a social awkward virgin looking for love as well. He sees in her as sort of fellow outcast.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: When Watcher terrorizes Daphne before wiping her memory of the past three months and all of the experiences and bonding the family has had in that time. It's very reminiscent of a rape scene, which is fitting
    • In the same episode, Watcher telekinetically forces Dr. Chiles to commit suicide. Made even worse by Daphne's vision of Watcher's memory of the attack.
    • Watcher, who at this point has become a veritable Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant, killing a gangster by telekinetically forcing his heart to stop beating.
    • The final fate of Dr. King, which involves his dormant cancer condition coming back all at once when he gets injected with the serum antidote, which literally eats away at his cells.
  • Idiot Ball: In "No Ordinary Love" despite having experience with people with mental powers (which since they know two people with them, powers aren't unique), they don't seem to think that people acting very out of character might be under some sort of influence.
    • Then in the season one finale, they take the elevator when they know they bad guys know where they are and are actively watching.
    • In the introduction for the shapeshifter character, why didn't Jim just ask "Steph" to use her super speed?
  • Spiritual Licensee: Probably the closest thing we'll see to a TV version of The Fantastic Four or The Incredibles (which was itself heavily inspired by the FF).
  • Tear Jerker: Has its own page.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: Other than hiding the Watcher's secret, Daphne's memory loss has no impact on the story, immediately being caught up to speed by absorbing the memories of the others.
    • But that not only conveniently covers the memories of the Watcher's secret, it also sets a precedent for future uses of this plot which will help avoid having it feel like an ass-pull.
  • Too Good to Last
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