No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle/Heartwarming

  • The end of the Captain Vladimir boss fight. At the end of the fight when his visor is broken open he can finally see the Earth, which he hadn't even seen in years while isolated in that suit. We see it from his eyes and see his aged face gazing into the sky in his final moments, as his ship ascends. Many Manly Tears were probably shed.

Travis: It's over, Captain.
Vladimir: This is... Earth?
Travis: Yep. Welcome home.

  • Margaret's end of the fight can also work. Margaret isn't angry at her death... In fact the last words she says to Travis was whether or not he memorized her song. When Travis replies that he did, she answers that it was "so...sublime", then dies. When Travis is walking off, he whistles the first few notes to 'Philistine', honoring Margaret's last request for him.
  • Travis: I won't forget... Alice.
  • Henry returns in a Big Damn Heroes moment and decides to kill all of Jasper's lackeys for Travis. How does Travis respond? With a small smile and a "Thanks, bro."

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