< Nip and Tuck
Nip and Tuck/YMMV
- Anvilicious: Usually of the "Aesops delivered via 'Shut up, Straw Liberal'" variety.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Bandit challenging a guy about twice his size to a boxing match. He gets clobbered, but being beaten to a pulp and still being able to stand is undoubtedly awesome.
- Nip's entire plan in exploiting a very small loophole in Michael Moby's movie contract and succeeding at it.
- Real Women Never Wear Dresses: Respect isn't very high for women that box or wrestle in Malarky County, and Bandit gets badly injured trying to defend the honor of a female boxer named Sierra.
- On the bright side, she was touched that he made the attempt.
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