Nintendo Super Squad

i tryed really hard to make my comic but i'm no good at sprites. so i had to draw my comic but don't let that fool you! This is still a sprite comic i'M goning to keep trying to make good sprites but in the meantime just imagen that thsese are sprites. real sprite comics as soon as i can do it! please give me 5s thou.

An quite trippy webcomic drawn by Cooltendo (real name Philip Armstrong), following the adventures of the Nintendo Super Squad as they travel across the world to rescue Princess Peach.

Part of the flavour of the webcomic is that its site and rants are designed to look like a particularly idiotic sprite comic- only instead of sprites, there's black and white drawings. The humour is pitch-black, often filthy-minded and almost always highly surreal and silly.

While it uses Nintendo characters, the characters in the comic bear little resemblance to their canon counterparts.

Can be found here. "Ended" at the 100th strip, continued for awhile and stopped at strip 109.

Tropes used in Nintendo Super Squad include:
  • Abhorrent Admirer: Kirby to Luigi. Kirby is a Ridiculously Cute Critter, but talks a lot and Luigi wants nothing to do with him.
  • Action Girl: One of Link's clones.
  • All Just a Dream: Link has two. In one instance, he dreams that Mario found Epona and turned her into a go kart... when in reality he turns her into a hang glider. In another dream, Link thinks he's in the Pokemon World with his Beedrill.
  • Art Shift: After Mario kisses Link, he turns into some kind of Bishounen.
  • Big Bad: Bowser. Though, considering he was there at the wedding, it's debatable how bad he really is.
  • Black Comedy: Rape, death, and even 9/11 are Played for Laughs.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall
  • Butt Monkey: Link, by the horrible abuse of Mario. There's also Luigi on his own story arc, who has to put up with Kirby, and then Peach.
  • Camp Gay: Link's first clone. "Well kiss my grits!"
  • Catch Phrase: Parodied, out right stated in one of the first strips when going into character bios. Mario's is a (purposefully) annoying "LOL!" and Link's is an awkward "Blue potions recover health AND magic," which is made even funnier the one time he does end up using it.
  • Clean Pretty Reliable: Mario does this on Link. He becomes, uh, creepily addicted and makes a gay clone of Link.
  • Cloning Blues: Dr. Mario accidentally clones Link during routine surgery.
  • The Collector: Ash Ketchum, so enthralled with catching them all that he leaves the Pokemanz universe to beat Link.
  • Death Is Cheap: Mario dies several times. He "died" after marrying Metroid, then died while going through a time-share at Delfino Plaza.
  • Dual-Wielding: Female Link does this when her sword gets knocked away and Link throws her his own.
  • Fan Disservice: Mario, Mario, Mario. He's pretty gross as it is, but he's been put in a bikini bottom before. And then when he was a patient at a hospital, his rear was exposed.
  • Fantastic Voyage Plot: Kirby gets eaten by Luigi and starts tearing up his body.
  • Fat Bastard: Mario is described as a "monster of a man" compared to Metroid's "beauty of a monster." While his art style changes from panel to panel, several of his shapes are realistically detailed, showing Mario as a gross, middle-aged man. ** Meta Knight might also apply, because for some odd reason, he's a huge blob with a sword and a mask.
  • Five-Man Band
  • Fourth Wall Mail Slot: The characters have been interviewed [dead link] .
  • Homage: to such comics as The Enigma of Amigara Fault, Death Note and, um, "Nyoro~n"
  • Intercontinuity Crossover: We've got Nintendo franchises typically seen in Super Smash Brothers, mixed in with them are less known games like StarTropics and Gyromite, non-Nintendo series like Sonic and Mega Man, and for kicks and giggles, Harry Potter pops up every once in awhile.
  • It's All Upstairs From Here: World 5, which has such a huge tower, the series pretty much ends there. Mario goes to fetch an item that fell down after about halfway up, and the Links came across the Four Sword, taking them on a totally different adventures.
  • Kick the Dog: Upon finding Epona, Mario kills it and turns it into a go kart, which he crashed into a tree. Somewhat fortunately, that was a dream, and when he comes across the real Epona, he turns it into a hang glider.
  • Opposite Gender Clone: Link gets one.
  • Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?: "That ain't no warp whistle!"
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: Kirby. And Luigi hates it.
  • Say My Name: Luigi does this frequently with Kirby.
  • Shout-Out to many non-video game series.
  • Something Completely Different: Some strips focused randomly on Harry Potter and Castlevania.
  • Sprite Comic: What the author desperately is trying to achieve while in character. The art style is great enough to stand on its own, and the only time it appears to be a sprite comic is during the awfully made cover and the Street Fighter reference.
  • Stylistic Suck: Mario is drawn differently in each panel, even in the latest strips.
  • Threesome Subtext: Mario, Metroid, another Metroid.
  • Too Good to Last: Given a rushed ending when Mario pulls out Mega Man's nuclear reactor, tosses it aside, and kills them all. Cooltendo went on to focus on another webcomic, and came back to Nintendo Super Squad to "wrap up" the Link clone story.
  • Two Lines, No Waiting: Multiple arcs go on at once.
    • The main story of the Nintendo Super Squad, which follows Mario, Link, Link's clone, Link's other clone, Metroid, and eventually Pit. Came to an end when they meet up with Mega Man.
      • This story itself was cut in half when Mario and Metroid got married, and the two Links had to find someone to do the dishes.
    • When called for backup, we also follow Luigi, Kirby, Princess Peach, Mike Jones, and Ryu.
      • Then THIS story got cut in half when Luigi ate Kirby, who paired up with Waddle Dee to find the 60 treasures.
  • Viewers are Morons: Due to Small Reference Pools, the creator has to step in for quite some time and explain who Mike Jones is and why bananas are coming out of his ears.
  • What Would X Do?: Mario comes across a paint-based piranha plant and asks what would Link do. "Use the Fludd to wash it away!" Link suggests. Mario uses it to bathe himself. "Link is such an idiot!"
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.