Nintama Rantarou

Nintama Rantarou, aka Rakudai Ninja Rantarō (落第忍者乱太郎, Failure Ninja Rantarou), is a comedy ninja manga series created by Sōbē Amako in 1986. The anime adaptation, Nintama Rantarō, began broadcasting on NHK in 1993 and a side-story anime film Eiga Nintama Rantarō premiered in 1996' several Nintama Rantarō video games were also published since 1995.

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Tropes used in Nintama Rantarou include:

Kirimaru: I start selling Infra-red Underpants
Yamada-sensei: How is this different from normal underpants?
Kirimaru: It's not. But more people would buy it if it uses the name "Infra-red"

Rantaro: Chingensai Sameta!!
Kirimaru: Samela Zensai!!
Shinbe: Hietta Namayasai!!
Happosai: *hitting the three nintamas* It's Hietta Happosai, idiots!

  • Ninja Brats
  • No Fourth Wall: Carrying dialogue bubbles around, talking to the readers, bringing the author inside, among other things commonly occurring.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Averted by Hachiya Saburou, whose disguise can't be differentiated with the real person.
  • Shown His Work: Unlike most ninja comics, the ninjas are actually doing things close to what real ninjas did.
  • Status Quo Is God: Taken Up to Eleven with the nintamas going through many Summer and Winter breaks but never graduate or even promote.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.