Nintama Rantarou
Nintama Rantarou, aka Rakudai Ninja Rantarō (落第忍者乱太郎, Failure Ninja Rantarou), is a comedy ninja manga series created by Sōbē Amako in 1986. The anime adaptation, Nintama Rantarō, began broadcasting on NHK in 1993 and a side-story anime film Eiga Nintama Rantarō premiered in 1996' several Nintama Rantarō video games were also published since 1995.
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- Art Evolution: Very evident. Throughout the year, the characters become cuter and more chubby.
- Big Eater: Shinbe
- Brand Names Are Better: Invoked by Kirimaru.
Kirimaru: I start selling Infra-red Underpants
Yamada-sensei: How is this different from normal underpants?
Kirimaru: It's not. But more people would buy it if it uses the name "Infra-red"
- Brick Joke: At the start of the volume 23, Shinbe is supposed to remember a number that indicates a measurement of a warship. He can't. Hundred of pages later, he gives the wrong number and the ship built turns funny.
- Crazy Prepared: Kaze no Tamazaburou brings two large packages filled with ninja stuffs for one simple mission.
- Fatal Flaw: Fuwa Raizou is told to be thinking too much.
- Hurricane of Puns: half of the jokes in the series are these, alternating between this and Incredibly Lame Pun
- Large Ham: A lot of the villains. Especially Happosai.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: become this as the story progresses on as more characters from different levels appear
- Money Fetish: Kirimaru.
- Mood Whiplash: The nintamas do it on a regular basis.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Hietta Happosai, big time.
Rantaro: Chingensai Sameta!!
Kirimaru: Samela Zensai!!
Shinbe: Hietta Namayasai!!
Happosai: *hitting the three nintamas* It's Hietta Happosai, idiots!
- Ninja Brats
- No Fourth Wall: Carrying dialogue bubbles around, talking to the readers, bringing the author inside, among other things commonly occurring.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Averted by Hachiya Saburou, whose disguise can't be differentiated with the real person.
- Shown His Work: Unlike most ninja comics, the ninjas are actually doing things close to what real ninjas did.
- Status Quo Is God: Taken Up to Eleven with the nintamas going through many Summer and Winter breaks but never graduate or even promote.