< Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors

Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors/Heartwarming

  • After getting every bad ending before going for the True ending path, finally reuniting Snake and Clover. The other paths screwed them over entirely. Clover either snapped because she thought the other players had murdered her brother, or she was murdered herself, never finding out that her brother was still alive. For Snake, he ends up trapped in the chapel's coffin, and without the code to the coffin's lock, it's very likely that he dies there. In the Safe ending, he's rescued, but his sister is killed, and he sacrifices himself to make sure the killer is punished for it. Having it all come together through all of the depressing alternate routes made it all the more heartwarming.
  • One scene with Junpei and Clover is very sweet.

No matter what happens, you can never lose hope. You have to remember what's most important, and that's to have faith, and to have love. If you can remember all of those, that'll bring you good luck.

  • In the true ending, Seeing Akane and Aoi hug after she escapes the incinerator.
  • Also in the True Ending, Seven offers to stay behind in the Chapel so two teams of 3 could leave. Later, Lotus offers to stay in the incinerator so that Junpei, Snake, Clover, and Seven can escape. Both instances are refused by the others. In both cases, they act like the others are making a mistake, but Junpei notes that their eyes are wet.
  • The scene where Junpei, Santa, Lotus and June meets up with the rest in a room next to the staircase gate.

They were happy to simply see one another again. Although the level of cheer varied greatly from person to person, each one of them was wearing some manner of smile. Almost as though they had forgotten the death of the 9th man... No, thought Junpei, perhaps that wasn't it. Perhaps the thoughts of his death was what drove them to smile at one another. Not in a morbid or hateful way, no. The 9th man had died, but they were still alive, and that was something to be happy about. A sort of simple, uncomplicated joy, Junpei thought. The joy of being alive.

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