< Nikita (TV series)

Nikita (TV series)/YMMV

The TV series contains examples of:

"She escaped custody two years ago, then the Swiss got ahold of her. Really, the Swiss?"

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Percy, especially when seeing Roan's reaction.
  • Complete Monster: Percy.
    • Amanda. Hint: if you're being detained and she walks into the room, it's time to start screaming. She even manages to bring Nikita to tears during her capture.
    • Also, in "Echoes" the Zetrov czarina version of Alex. After seeing her kill Nathan and their future child, it's no wonder why Alex fears this version of her.
    • Brant, in spades. Nikita informs us that one of his workers hadn't put something together quickly enough, so he brought in the worker's wife and broke both her arms in front of him. And then threatened his kid. He later murders Senator Pierce just to lure Nikita out into the open to settle his grudge against her. No wonder Nikita kicked his ass in the flashback.
      • This also makes Percy releasing him yet another Moral Event Horizon... for a character who really didn't need anymore.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Roan is quite popular for a mostly wordless sociopath. The fact that he's a Badass Made of Iron probably helps.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Michael/Alex, Michael/Nikita and Alex/Nikita, Nikita/Owen, also Thom/Alex which is quite impossible due to Thom's death in the 11th episode
    • Although after the reveal that Michael's daughter would be close to Alex's age the former lost a lot of appeal for many viewers.
    • And now Michael/Nikita has graduated to Official Couple.
  • Flanderization: When compared to the original series.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Nikita, much of the time, especially when she's dealing with Division.
    • If there was any doubt as to Percy's qualification, it was no doubt removed as of episode 1x21, "Betrayals", and his status is solidified by 1x22, "Pandora". This man could give Lionel Luthor a run for his money.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Well, Percy crossed it a long time before the show began, but in-series he crosses it when he kills the Engineer for becoming obsolete. Note that Birkoff was visibly disturbed when he witnessed that.
    • And if not that, then altering the agent tracking chips to also be kill chips may also qualify.
      • Actually, screw both of those. His true MEH was The Reveal that he's the one who had Michael's family killed, so that he could recruit Michael into Division.
      • And then it turns out that the plan was for Michael to be killed, building the rep of a Division mole, allowing him entry into Al-Qaeda. When Michael survived, Percy recruited him into Division with the empty promise that they'd hunt the man who killed his family.
    • Amanda hits hers when she deliberately provokes a bad guy into killing one of her captured agents in order to get Alex to go.
      • And any moral points she still had left go out the window in "Fair Trade" when she nearly lobotomizes Birkhoff.
  • The Scrappy: Ever since the first episode, Jaden has been consistently annoying both to Alex and the viewers.
    • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: Jaden in "Girl's Best Friend," putting aside her rivalry with Alex to focus on the mission, and gunning down a terrorist and all his Mooks.
      • Ryan was disliked by much of the fanbase, until "Pandora", where he Took a Level in Badass by holding the director of the CIA at gunpoint in order to help Nikita.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name: "Mikita" for Michael and Nikita.
    • And in real life, there's "Shaggie" for fans of Shane West and Maggie Q being a couple.
  • Special Effect Failure: In "Pandora" while Nikita's building burns.
  • Tear Jerker: Alex's flashbacks after her panic attack, and the reason why in the fourth episode.
    • And Alex shooting Thom and breaking down in tears after that.
    • In the season finale, Alex calls Nikita out for her obsession with taking down Division, and using her. You can practically see their relationship fall apart on screen as Nikita tearfully tries to justify her actions. And the worst part is, we'll never know if it would have worked, since at that moment an assault team attacks the loft.
  • Villain Sue: Percy has a lot of these traits. He is almost never unnerved, he always has a back up plan, and even when Team Nikita wins the battles, he most often wins the wars. However, this has finally been averted at the end of season 2 in "Homecoming" where he meets his demise at the hands of Nikita. Literally. She drops his ass down a shaft and he lands in the prison Amanda used to keep him in. Karmic Death indeed.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Alex

The Luc Besson film contains examples of:

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