< Nightside
- Magnificent Bastard: Walker. Special mention goes to his Xanatos Roulette in The Good, the Bad, and the Uncanny. He manages to set things up so that no matter what happens, John is effectively forced to take Walker's place as the Voice of Authority in the Nightside.
- Puck shows his true colors in Knight.
- At this point, John is one, too.
- Moral Event Horizon: The Nightside has whole industries dedicated to this, ranging from "mere" sexual depravities and torture clubs that are a dime a dozen to the horror shows offered by the good people at Precious Memories.
- Narm Charm: The series occasionally runs on this. It's probably one of the most gleefully Troperiffic series out right now.
- Nightmare Fuel: Particularly the first book if giant insects aren't your favorite thing.
- Squick: Razor Eddie's fate in the future John sees in Something from the Nightside.
- Not to mention an awful lot of the Nightside's offered "entertainments".
- Villain Sue: Lilith. Also an example of Peril Rollover, since she can't be stopped by anything short of Deus Ex Machina.
- Completely subverted with the Merlin of Sinister Albion. Even had he not had a certain sword, John could have called up any number of beings to take him out
"Yes, but... he's Merlin!" said Alex. "Alive and in his prime, after fifteen hundred years of practicing his craft! With all the power of the anti-Christ! He could probably pull the moon down out of the sky and crash it into the Nightside for laughs! And I'm not sure there's anyone in the Nightside who could stop him!"
"Do I need to get you a paper bag to breathe into?" I said. "Of course there are people here who could stop him! Off the top of my head, there's the Lord of Thorns. And Hadleigh Oblivion, the Detective Inspectre. And Jessica Sorrow, the Unbeliever."
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