Nights in the Big City
Nights In The Big City is a Kim Possible fan fiction written by Mr. Wizard.
Sergeant Sasha Barkin, of Go City's finest, gets a call one night to deal with two kids in a warehouse. What starts out as a typical call goes awry when it becomes clear that neither of them are from her reality, and one of them is grievously injured. What follows is part mystery, part noir, and part political thriller as Kim and Ron, now lost in another universe, struggle to get back to their own. Attracting the interest of powerful foreign governments, they navigate drug rings, kidnapping attempts and unfamiliar politics while living with the police officer who first found them.
Tropes used in Nights in the Big City include:
- Action Girl: faithful to the source material, you get a whole cast of 'em.
- Alternate Universe: with an Alternate History to match.
- A Real Man Is a Killer: played with.
- Badass Family: You get to Chapter Thirty-two and... yeah.
- Badass Grandparents: Several, some shown explicitly and others implied. Some are retired, others not so much.
- Bad Dreams: Sasha, after she kills a man. Leads to drowning her sorrows.
- Cavalry Betrayal: Sasha, the Gurkhas are not here to help you.
- Cryptic Background Reference: In this universe, Robert E. Lee fought on the Union side and became the 17th President of the United States, the cars run on ethanol, the Pope is a woman and so is God. Details like this are casually thrown out now and then, sometimes because they will be significant later, but mostly to create a world that's living and working beyond the story.
- Darker and Edgier: The story is suffused with a noir tone. There is a rather high level of violence, accompanied by realistic consequences up to and including characters being Killed Off for Real.
- Deadpan Snarker: The narration, as befits a story told by any incarnation of Shego.
- Did You Just Have Sex?: Both Sasha and Reneca pick up each other's "happy walk".
- Domestic Abuser: Bobby Johnson, boyfriend of the alternative universe Kim.
- The Empire: A few, including The British Empire and many other European great powers.
- Fair Cop: Sasha and her partner, Reneca Cramer.
- Good Bad Girl: Sasha is a reformed example.
- Good People Have Good Sex: and a lot of it, at that.
- Gray and Gray Morality: in the tradition of noir fiction. Even Kim and Ron end up sort of off-white.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: While she's got a better handle on it than Shego, Sasha still has her moments.
- Happily Married: Sasha and Steve Barkin.
- In Spite of a Nail: Pretty much every Kim Possible character has a double, though their lives (and world history) are often radically different.
- Intimate Psychotherapy: coupled with "Glad to Be Alive" Sex, in an unusually well-done way.
- Knowledge Broker: Sasha's brother Mike (alt-Mego) has a finger is every pie and knows the dirt on everyone in Go City.
- Law of Inverse Fertility: Sasha and Steve, in the Backstory.
- Lighter and Softer: Not the story, but some of the doubles of villains from the show are positively nice people in this universe.
- Little Miss Badass: Kim, of course. Everyone who encounters her at the GCPD is amazed that such a cute slip of a girl can also be a physics-defying fighting machine with the constitution of an Olympic athlete.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Oh, yes. Almost every Kim Possible character appears, as well as several original ones to round out the Go City police force, the town, and the various families. You get to know most of them quite well.
- The Mafiya: A more rounded portrayal than usual.
- Mama Bear: Sasha to her four year old daughter, Marsha.
- Narnia Time: Kim and Ron spend months in the Alternate Universe, and return home to find that only a few hours have passed.
- Officer and a Gentleman: Montgomery Fiske, Fourth Lord of Niagara. It doesn't stop him from being rather Affably Evil, though.
- Out with a Bang: Avar, courtesy of the Rani.
- Papa Wolf: Steve Barkin gets his moments, too. So do a few others.
- Shame If Something Happened: The bad guys threaten Sasha by hacking into her computer and editing her daughter's image out of all her photos.
- They Would Cut You Up: The head of the OSS (alt-Nana), warns Kim and Ron that factions in the US government are proposing extreme measures to extract the secrets of interdimensional travel, and that she'll only be able to block them for so long....
- Titled After the Song: several of the chapter titles.
- The Unfettered: Chapter Thirty-six is called "Shego With a Badge."
- Tranquil Fury: Kim, after reading her alternate self's diary.
- Unusual Euphemism: "Bounce" and "high note".
- Visions of Another Self: This universe's Kim doesn't believe she could ever be as extraordinary as her Badass Normal Teen Superspy alternate self; canon-Kim just thinks she was dodged a bullet in not meeting alt-Kim's abusive boyfriend.
- Wham! Episode: Chapter Thirty-two, when the bad guys come after Sasha's daughter.
- Where The Heck Is Middleton? This fic places Middleton in Michigan, which helps give the impression that Go City is Chicago with the serial numbers filed off.
- Wicked Cultured: Lord Montgomery Fiske.
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