< Nightmare House

Nightmare House/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • Quite a bit to do with Emily, when you realize she is trying to help. At one point in NH1, you are walking through a house when suddenly she blocks your path and the floor breaks, sending you down some floors. It may take two playthroughs to notice the area she sends you to is the EXIT.
    • In the sequel, Romero says that Emily possessed you and that he couldn't control you no matter how hard he tried in his diaries. The visions that the main character has may be Emily's way of telling you "Snap out of it.".
  • You know those scary whispers you keep hearing courtesy of Emily? Record and then reverse them. Emily is trying to tell you that Romero is lying.
  • At the very start of the game, Emily runs across a hallway ahead of you and the door shuts. It may take players a while to realize that there was a riot cop zombie inside, waiting to kill the player if s/he had proceeded, so Emily closed it, perhaps killing or chasing away the zombie later. (Since the area is sealed off until you exit, the former is more likely.)

Fridge Horror

  • Remember that SWAT officer behind the glass who turns out to be nothing more than a mannequin? Well, did you ever actually learn how many SWAT officers were at first dispatched?
    • Then again, one of them did get cut off from your posse a little while earlier. I assumed it was him when I saw it.
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