
He's not just a pretty face.

Nigahiga (real name Ryan Higa) is currently[when?] the second most subscribed person on YouTube (behind Ray William Johnson) with over 4 million subscriptions. He has six main video types:

  • His "How to be" guides, all of which were originally taken down because of copyright, but now some of them have been readded. These include "How to be Emo", "How to be Gangster", "How to be Ninja", and, among the still-removed ones, "How to be Nerd" and "How to be UFC Fighter";
  • The Parody Commercials, which take Commercial Tropes to the extreme;
  • His "Off the Pill rants", where he talks about anything that bugs him;
  • "Movies in Minutes", which are movie spoofs in, well, minutes;
  • The "Skitzo" productions, which involve him and three of his personas: R-Dizzle, Hanate, and Regina.
  • And "Dear Ryan", where Ryan humorously answer questions people ask in YouTube comments.

One of his most recent projects was an internet movie he created with Wong Fu Productions called "Agents of Secret Stuff". Tropes exclusively from A.S.S. (teehee) should be placed below examples from the regular videos.

Nigahiga provides examples of the following tropes:

Hanate: Herro, everyone! My name is Hanate Wakuso Shiseo Tadashite Teriyaki Suzuki Honda Civic!
Bob: Herro! My name is... Bob.

"Forever AD... oh look, a butterfly."

Ryan: I can't sing so I Auto-Tune myself.

Yes, yes. That **** look like a two-pay
I get what you get in ten years, in eleven years

"I know how to be ninja now!"

Regina: Oh sure, make the girl character stupid.
Ryan: What are you talking about? I have guy characters just as stupid as you
Regina: Oh, so now you're calling me stupid?
Ryan: Yes.

Ryan: And imma beat you... in every competition!

  • Double Standard: Discussed in "Off the Pill - Feminist", where he especially questions why females consider compliments to their breasts offensive while males don't do the same about compliments to their muscles.
  • Dream Team: As of late he's been doing collaborations with the other Los Angeles YouTube stars, such as KevJumba, Chester See, David Choi, and D-Trix. He is also a part of a group called YTF consisting of himself, Kevin, Chester, Victor Kim, Andrew Garcia, JRA and D-Trix.
  • Everythings Better With Ninjas: "How to be Ninja" and "Ninja Melk" are his most notable examples.
  • Flat What: The buyer in the Big Bouncing Inflatable Green Ball video.
  • Four Equal Payments Of: Get Hook on Foniks, a fourteen dollar value, for thirteen... easy payments of 14.99!
  • Gasshole: The "fatality" in "How to Be Ninja".
  • Gosh Darn It to Heck: In "Like a Good Boy".
  • Hand or Object Underwear: Parodied in the Carl's Jr. New Portobello Mushroom burger ad, where he quickly names all the things the burger can do; "censor-covering" has him with a box containing the burger over each nipple.
  • Ho Yay: Invoked in "Word of the Day: Bromance". Hilarity Ensues.
  • Hong Kong Dub: Parodied in "Daily Life of Ninjahinja".
  • Hypocritical Humor: The entirety of the "Subliminal Messages" video.
    • Also present in the "A Message to all Haters" video.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: "How to be Ninja", "Ninja Glare", and "Ninja Melk" stand out, but lots of his other videos have ninjas.
  • IProduct: The iPod Human and the iNavigator.
  • Japanese Ranguage: The personal trainers in "How to be Ninja" speak rather inconsistently this way. This carries into Hanate's appearance on Skitzo. Also counts as N-Word Privileges, since both Ryan and Sean are Japanese.
  • Kiai: The first step to being a Ninja is to make loud, unnecessary sounds when you hit things.
  • The Lancer: KevJumba is this to Ryan, as Kev is somewhat Comically Serious while Ryan is much less serious.
  • Le Parkour: Parodied in "Dear Ryan: Extreme".
  • Man Hug: In "Word of the Day: Bromance".
  • Manly Tears: "Shed a Tear".
  • Martial Arts Do Not Work That Way: Mostly averted in "How to Be Ninja", as Ryan was actually executing some legit judo moves.
  • Milking the Giant Cow: Hand motions are part of the first lesson of being Gangster, along with swearing in every sentence.
    • Master Ching Ching does this in "Ninja Melk" because he's played by Tarynn Nago in a mask.
  • Motor Mouth: Welllooknofurtherthankstothebigbouncinginflatablegreenballyou'llnotevernothaveaballagain!
    • What did he just say?
  • Mr. Fanservice: Click on one of his song parodies, "Like a Good Boy." Read the comments. Drink a glass of water every time you see a comment talking about how hot he is when he takes off his shirt in the video for just a few seconds. You will be spending a LONG time in the bathroom.
  • Nice Guy: Ryan and Kevin in "Nice Guys" start out as this, become jerks, and then go back after realizing girls don't like jerks.
  • Not So Different: Discussed in "Off the Pill: Rebecca Black (Friday)", where Ryan compares Friday to the music that he makes.
  • Now How Much Would You Pay?: Frequently parodied, with something like "That's a $20 value, but we'll give it to you for, no, not $19.99, no, not $14.99, but $42.99!"
  • Odd Name Out: A Running Gag in the early "how to" productions.
  • Oh, Hi There.: "Oh, hi. Didn't see you there."
  • Only Sane Man: Ryan is this in the Skitzo videos.
  • Overly Long Gag: "I like stick, plastic stick, metal stick, tape, stick shaped like tape..."
  • Overly Long Name: The Big Bouncing Inflatable Green Ball.
    • Also, all of Ryan's personas in the "How to Be X" videos, like Hanate Wakuso Shiseo Tadashite Teriyaki Suzuki Honda Civic.
      • Don't forget R-Dizzle-Fo-Shizzle-Ma-Nizzle-Off-Da-Hizzle-Drizzle the gangster and Elitedarklord_dragonslayer_3.14159 the nerd.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Played for Laughs in "How to be Emo".
  • Put on a Bus: Ryan's sidekick, Sean. In "3,000,000 Subscribers" he made a cameo and revealed the reason he hasn't been around a lot was because of his going to college far away.
    • A Running Gag is that Ryan somehow "replaced" him after intentionally putting him on the bus. (This was a joke, and for some reason many people took it seriously...)
    • The rest of Yabo Productions disappeared at some point, including Ryan's ex-girlfriend Tarynn.
  • Poke the Poodle: In "How to be Gangster," there's a sign in the car that says "Never Drink and Drive." Cut to Ryan driving and drinking...a juice pouch.
  • Pretty Fly for a White Guy: "I'm a Chingstah" was meant to be a parody of Asians who try to be Gangsta.
  • Rapid-Fire Comedy: More like More Dakka comedy.
  • Running Gag: The Big Bouncing Inflatable Green Ball shows up a lot.
    • Anything to do with lamps. It's even lampshaded in one of the Skitzo videos.
    • TEEHEE
  • Self-Deprecation: Engages in lots of this in "Skitzo: Reunited" where Ryan's other personas make a "How to be Ryan Higa" video.
  • Shaggy Dog Story: "Dear Ryan: Liar".
  • Shirtless Scene: Ryan shows off his abs in "Like a Good Boy".
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Discussed in "Off the Pill - Arrogant People".
  • Sound Effect Bleep: Parodied in iNavigator.
  • Stealth Pun: One of Ryan's segments is called "Skitzo", wherein he interacts with other character personalities which are also played by himself. Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which people may experience hearing voices or multiple personalities, and it's sometimes shortened to "Schizo". "Skitzo" and "Schizo" are pronounced the same.
  • Straw Feminist: Regina is made this in "Off the Pill - Feminist".
  • Stylistic Suck: Ryan's done very professional looking videos with the likes of Wong Fu Productions... but he still uses the scraggly wigs from his early stuff for every female character he portrays.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: "Nice Guys" promotes it.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: "Dear Ryan: Extreme" is this trope incarnate.

Examples From Ryan's Movie "Agents of Secret Stuff"

"It's a man's name!"

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