The characters of the manga/anime series Nichijou. Names are in western order.
Schoolgirl Trio
Yuuko "Yukko" Aioi
Voiced by: Mariko Honda
"I should be glad nothing perishable landed on me!"
One of the five "main" characters of the series, "Yukko" is an ordinary student with a propensity for forgetting her homework. She is also locked in a perpetual "Boke and Tsukkomi" gag with Mai.
- Berserk Button: She can only take being called stupid so much before she snaps.
- Book Dumb: Not as substantial as other cases, but she does have to borrow homework from Mio on a regular basis.
- Butt Monkey: The entire universe is apparently out to get her.
- Cool Big Sis: Earns this right with Professor.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: When in enough pain, her screams let out those. One of them even pierced through all the planets of the solar system (And Pluto) !
- Genki Girl: Although she is certainly genki, she also plays it up sometimes to hide embarrassment.
- Goal in Life: Has twice now been shown to have no decided goal yet.
- Gratuitous English: The main offender
- Imagine Spot: Frequently daydreams in class about far-fetched scenarios [1] explaining how Mio got her hair-ties.
- Minor Injury Overreaction: See Frickin' Laser Beams above.
- The Jinx: Inverted, if episode 26 is any indication.
- She's apparently sort of a karma sink. She herself is jinxed, but spreads good fortune to everyone around her.
- Oh Crap: When she realized that she may have pissed off Mio.
- Pungeon Master: She tries, anyway.
- Standing in the Hall: Often mostly for forgetting her homework or having a panic in class.
- Straight Man: Occasionally, if Mio is acting up/playing sports, or if Mai is in "Boke" mode.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Her reaction to Nano's built-in functions and the Shinonome lab in general.
Mio Naganohara
Voiced by: Mai Aizawa
"If she sees that drawing, she'll never think of me the same way again!"
Another of the five "main" characters, Mio is the most normal of the cast, but that isn't saying much. She usually plays the straight man to Yukko's antics.
- Badass Adorable Cute small girl who has inhuman abilities.
- Cute Bruiser Too cute to be scary.
- Bob Haircut: When her hair is down
- Covert Pervert: To the extent that she beat up Yukko, a police officer, an old man, and a goat all in the name of preventing people from finding out she draws Yaoi.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass Not that she is a moron but you wouldn't ever have guessed what she's capable of doing.
- Everything Is Better With Spinning: Hit Yoshino with a corkscrew and attacked Yukko and Sasahara's goat with a Dragon Screw
- Flash Step: During her Unstoppable Rage, she pulls of a Ashura Senkuu before dragon screwing Sasahara's goat.
- And she pulls a standard Flash Step when fighting The Mooks.
- Girlish Pigtails Held up by two wooden cubes.
- Gretzky Has the Ball: Can't play sports to save her life.
- Epic Fail
- Unless she's suffering from Heroic BSOD
- Actually, she used to practice Kendo and is quite adapt in shadow-boxing and wrestling apparently, implying her problem is with non-combat sports.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Around Yukko and Yoshino. Mai occasionally.
- Imagine Spot: At one point created an entire romantic scenario between Nano & Sasahara when Yuuko convinced her they were a couple.
- Iwo Jima Pose: Making small talk with Sasahara is momentous enough to merit a pose of a whole bunch of Mios raising a Sasahara flag !
- Laughing Mad: When she, Yuuko and Mai are stuck in an elevator. After Mio says "Eggplant", she and Yuuko break down into mad laughter over this, the fact that they're not getting any help any time soon, and the fact that Mai appears to have died. Laughing mad indeed.
- Love Hurts: After seeing Misato "escorting" Sasahara, she goes into Heroic BSOD.
- My Life Flashed Before My Eyes: When she tastes her sister's kusaya (salted,sun-dried mackerel) jam the second time.
- Power Palms: During her fight vs the green mooks.
- Serious Business: Her food and her Yaoi.
- Straight Man: Most frequently of the cast.
- Wrestler in All of Us
- Yaoi Fangirl: And for your own safety, YOU BETTER NOT. FUCKING. READ IT.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair The only one in the show who has an unusual hair color besides Nakamura, Misato and Mihoshi.
Mai Minakami
Voiced by: Misuzu Togashi
"They see me trollin'. They hatin'."
Rounding off the Power Trio with Yukko and Mio is Mai, a quiet bespectacled girl with a fondness for screwing with people just to see how they'll respond. Makes up the "Boke" side of her relationship with Yukko. Also has a thing for whittled Buddha statues.
- Adjusting Your Glasses: Variant 3: In episode 10, while she's forcing her friends to stand still for an obnoxiously long time in a game of "Red Light Green Light"
- Alliterative Name
- Coming Out Story: Subverted: when she "comes out" to Yukko, it turns out that she was just trolling her. As usual.
- Cuteness Proximity: To the Professor.
- Emotionless Girl: Although she seems to only be this in appearance, or as a vehicle for her jokes.
- Even Trolls Have Standards: Mai won't (intentionally) troll the Professor.
- Meganekko
- Mind Screw: At one point she takes off her hair revealing it to be a wig. She later revealed her baldness to be a wig (a bald cap) as well.
- Of course, it may have just been Yukko's imagination.
- The Gadfly/Troll: Oh so very much. To the extent that she'll troll herself if no one is around.
- She even trolls Hyadain in her character song, by inviting him to sing the male parts before letting her time cut out in the middle of one of his lyrics.
- Pet the Dog: To the Professor, after accidentally Trolling her and Sakamoto with dogs and the Professor gets upset. She makes up for it by giving her some shark chocolate.
- The Quiet One She hardly says anything in this show and when she does it's spoken in a very soft tone.
- Serial Escalation : Her trolling.
- Uncatty Resemblance: Her dogs are as bad as she is.
- When She Smiles Mai wears a stoic expression 90% of the show but her smile is truly gorgeous. She smiles when Yukko and Mio make up and after visiting Hakase. For a split second she smiled when Nano told her that her stature was cool.
Shinonome Laboratories
Nano Shinonome
Voiced by: Shizuka Furuya
Sure, it's weird she's a robot, but look at everyone else.
A robot who wishes she were a real girl more than anything, even if it means things like being able to get dental cavities. She struggles to keep the fact that she's a robot a secret. A struggle not at all helped by the obvious wind-up key in her back which her creator absolutely refuses to remove.
- Arm Cannon
- Bob Haircut
- Crash Into Hello: Subverted. When she crashes into a boy from school, it results in an Earthshattering Kaboom instead, followed by both parties landing on separate rooftops
- Do-Anything Robot: Except she can't play music.
- Dreadful Musician
- Face Fault: A built in feature, thanks to the Professor.
- Fear of Thunder
- I Just Want to Have Friends
- Nice Girl
- The Not-Secret: She thinks she has convinced people that she isn't a robot. She hasn't.
- Pinocchio Syndrome
- Ridiculously Human Robot
- Robot Girl
- Rocket Punch: One of her functions. Unfortunately for her, it tends to fly off whenever it wants.
- Why Did it Have To Be Cockroaches
- She's also scared of lightning, which makes sense, considering she's a robot.
- Willfully Weak: Chooses to not utilize even her less extreme functions, like speed-reading, for the sake of seeming that much more normal.
- Wind Up Key
- Wise Beyond Their Years
- Younger Than They Look: She's one year old at the start of the series.
Professor (Hakase)
Voiced by: Hiromi Konno
The creator of Nano. Hard to believe, right.
Nano's eight-year-old creator. Aside from her ability to build incredibly advanced machines, she's a completely normal kid. Likes sharks.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny
- Best 4.5% Milk Ever
- Berserk Button: Don't you dare to insinuate that robots are not cute in her presence.
- Big Eater: Can eat a month's supply of snacks and still have room for strawberry juice.
- Bratty Half-Pint Poor Nano... Especially Sakamoto they are mostly played for laughs though.
- Cheerful Child It's rare to see her sad.
- Child Prodigy An eight year old professor. Being her age she still acts childish while being intelligent at the same time.
- Everyone Calls Her Professor
- No Name Given: Though some fan communities call her "Hakase" anyhow.
- Fear of Thunder: Not surprising at all, considering she's only eight.
- Genius' Sweet Tooth
- Kid With the Remote Control: Parodied like anything.
- Never My Fault: Played for Laughs. She'll blame Sakamoto for something she screwed up. This is typical eight year old behavior.
- "Silly Me" Gesture: She'll often do this when questioned by Nano about the latest weird device she has installed on her.
- Smart People Build Robots
- Third Person Person It indicates her childishness.
- Trademark Favorite Food: She loves omelet rice and strawberry juice. She is seen eating snacks a lot too.
- Why Did It Have to be Dogs: She's terrified of 'em because they may bite her.
Voiced by: Minoru Shiraishi
"No matter how you look at it, that was too much petting."
A black cat living with Nano and the Professor. He is able to talk due to a scarf the Professor created. He was originally Nakamura-sensei's cat, named Taisho.
- Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: His scarf it helps him talk.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: When his cat nature takes over.
- The Chew Toy:
It's mostly thanks to Hakase's pranks and Nano obliviousness. Nakamura (his previous owner) isn't any better.
- Formally-Named Pet: With Nano, at Sakamoto's insistance; he would prefer that the Professor do this, too, but she refuses to listen not regarding him as adult.
- Head Pet: In the 2nd opening.
- Line-of-Sight Name: It was written on the box he was found in.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Once in a while he'll let himself fall for one of the Professor's pranks only for said prank to be more than he bargained for.
- Not So Above It All He acts mature around Nano and Hakase but they don't last very long.
- Talking Animal With the help of his red scarf.
Koujirou Sasahara
Voiced by: Yoshihisa Kawahara
A spacy student who wears an ascot at all times and rides a goat to school. He puts on pretensions of being the Eldest Son of a wealthy family. Though it's quickly revealed he's the Eldest Son of a family of farmers (hence the goat). He tends to irritate his classmate Misato Tachibana with his oblivious nature, causing her to frequently shoot him. Don't worry, he can take it.
- Berserk Button: Don't tell him he can't bring his goat to school.
- Catch Phrase: "Well said (nukashi oru)!"
- Contemplate Our Navels: His inspiration for his poetry often comes from rather absurd non-sequitur involving anything nearby that happens to be occurring at that moment.
*Nano's disembodied hand rockets past*
"Oh! "Perhaps it is my right hand, trailing clouds across the blue sky. Sasahara." Not Bad!"
- Extreme Omni Goat: His goat, Kojirou.
- Faux-nobleman's Laugh
- Full-Name Basis: How he addresses Misato Tachibana.
- The Load: Seems to be this in his duties for the festival committee. Which is, naturally, a source of frustration for Misato.
- Made of Iron He's still standing after all Misato's gun shots.
- Megane
- Mock Millionaire
- Name's the Same: His goat is also named Kojiro.
- Oblivious to Love: He doesn't ever seem to have a reaction to Misato's aggressive behavior other than polite thanks for when she does stuff for him.
- Purely Aesthetic Glasses: "Just for show" as he says.
- Upper Class Twit: Subverted. He's actually from a family of farmers, he just acts like he's upper class.
Misato Tachibana
Voiced by: Chika Horikawa
The lengths she'll go to in order to deny her love for Koji--*boom*
A high school girl who frequently finds herself angered by the oblivious carefree actions of Sasahara. She expresses her frustration by unleashing an escalating arsenal of weapons ranging from revolvers to missile launchers. There are subtle hints that these outbursts may be the result of feelings for Sasahara on Misato's part.
- Berserk Button: Mention her relationship with Kojiro, and you'll be lucky if she doesn't hit you. Say that she should admit her feelings to him, and not even blood relations will protect you from her bazooka.
- Fan Nickname: Gundere.
- Fiery Redhead Her hair color is Peach, a shade of red and she has a very explosive personality.
- Gun and Sword: Practices Kendo.
- The Gunslinger
- Small Girl, Big Gun: Owns a bazooka.
- Hyperspace Arsenal
- I Was Just Passing Through: Takes this to ridiculous extremes with Kojiro.
- Luminescent Blush: Any time she vehemently denies her affections for Kojiro.
- More Dakka: Her firepower seems to be directly proportional to her embarrassment level.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial/Twisting the Words: Aside from the usual denials of her affections for Kojiro, she tends to assume a lot of what her friends expect to become of their relationship.
Fe-chan: "[How's] your relationship with Sasahara-kun?"
Misato: "Why do I have to marry him?!"
Fe-chan: "I didn't say that!"
*More Violence*
Misato: "Why does it have to be a daughter and then a son?!"
- It's either that or she's spilling her personal fantasies in her denials.
- Tsundere: Type A taken to ridiculous proportions.
Tsuyoshi Nakanojou
Voiced by: Kazutomi Yamamoto
Looks can be deceiving.
A boy whose most prominent feature is a naturally growing mohawk. When not at school, he is a skeptic and seeks to debunk supernatural phenomena. Despite his mohawk making him look like a delinquent, he actually is a fairly nice guy.
- Black Bead Eyes
- Beady-Eyed Loser: Become more prominent after he loses his hair
- Butt Monkey: He tends to be on the wrong end of many of Nakamura's Nano-traps.
- Face of a Thug He is mistaken for a delinquent by Weboshi although he's actually a very nice guy as he helped water plants.
- Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind
- Until he loses his hair
- Heir To The Daifuku: And he wants no part of it.
- Magic Versus Science: His lifegoal is prove that supernatural doesn't exist.
Haruna Annaka
Voiced by: Kaori Sadohara
This is pretty much Annaka's default expression.
A girl noted for her very large red ribbon that she wears in her hair. She's fond of trying out new places that she reads about, but tends to find the experiences more confusing than enlightening.
- Big "What?": See Catch Phrase
- Catch Phrase: Eeeehhhhh!!!
- Hair Decorations: Her Oversized ribbon
- Only Sane Man
Kenzaburou Daiku
Voiced by: Ryouta Yoshizaki
Son of the C.E.O. of the Daiku Corporation, which runs chains of restaurants and cafes among other things. Created the "Go-Soccer" Club on a whim and has since come to regret it since encountering people actually familiar with the game.
- Club Stub: With Sekiguchi, at least untill it turned out there was such a thing as Go-Soccer.
- Didn't Think This Through: Daiku didn't know there was actually a sport called "Go-Soccer" when he invented the club.
- Nice Guy
- Only Sane Man: In comparison to most of the cast, especially in comparison to 3/5ths of the Go-Soccer Club.
- Spoiled Sweet
Yuria Sekiguchi
Voiced by: Ai Hirosaka
For a while she was the only member of the Go-Soccer Club alongside Daiku. However, she shows little interest in anything beyond reading the latest volumes of Helvetica Standard.
- Black Bead Eyes
- Bob Haircut
- Cannot Spit It Out: To Daiku
- Club Stub: With Daiku, at least untill it turned out there was such a thing as Go-Soccer.
- Emotionless Girl
- Sugar and Ice Personality
- The Stoic
- Not So Stoic: While watching the Go-Soccer match she has Blank White Eyes and has her jaw dropped.
Makoto Sakurai
Voiced by: Takahiro Hikami
The younger brother of teacher Izumi Sakurai. He was surprised to learn his school had an Go-Soccer club and eagerly joined. To Daiku's shock, however, Makoto takes his Go-Soccer very seriously.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Wrestler in All of Us: Performs a German Suplex on himself
Voiced by: Kouta Yamaguchi
A student with an afro. Appears more often in the background than as a speaking character.
Voiced by: Youko Tamaoki
One of Misato's friends. She is attracted to Nakanojou.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: She likes Tsuyoshi because she thinks he's a Delinquent
- No Name Given
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Voiced by: Yumi Higuchi
One of Misato's best friends. A bit of a ditz.
- Butt Monkey Not as bad as Yukko and Sakamoto but does come across as being this.
- Genki Girl
- Hair of Gold She is quite clumsy and is often picked on by Misato and Weboshi but she doesn't fight back.
- No Name Given
Mihoshi Tachibana
Voiced by: Manami Honda
Misato's younger sister. She's in middle school and is a member of the kendo club. Her response to the absurdities that surround her is barely contained laughter. She's fully aware of Misato's feelings for Sasahara.
- Bratty Half-Pint: She can barely contain laughter when someone embarasses themselves, and likes to tease her sister every now and then about her feelings for Sasahara.
- Girlish Pigtails Two long ones. They fit her for her hobby.
Voiced by: Ryouta Takeuchi
A member of the Go-Soccer club, and one of the few people who are actually familiar with the rules of the game.
- Large Ham: If his acting referee for the match in Episode 19 is anything to go by. Go-Soccer is Serious Business.
Izumi Sakurai
Voiced by: Mami Kosuge
A timid teacher who became a guidance counselor as much to improve herself as her students. She tends to get flustered very easily, and has a hard time actually disciplining students. The elder sister of Makoto Sakurai.
- Adorkable
- Apologizes a Lot
- Covert Pervert: In episode 23
- Girlish Pigtails: On her day off in episode 21
- Kawaiiko
- Nice Girl
- Sensei-chan
- Shrinking Violet: Unless she's around her younger brother.
Manabu Takasaki
Voiced by: Tetsu Inada
A teacher at the high school. Frequently on Yuuko's case regarding her inability to do her homework. He harbors a crush on Izumi Sakurai. His imagination tends to run wild when he's speaking to her. He's also sponsor for the Go-Soccer Club, blackmailed by Makoto.
- Cannot Spit It Out: To Izumi.
- Covert Pervert
- Freudian Slip: A not so lewd example: when trying to act cool with Izumi he flat out asks her if she has a boyfriend. When he later tries to talk to Makoto, Izumi's younger brother, he asks him the same thing. Both instances end predictably.
- Gratuitous English
- Hot-Blooded
- Imagine Spot
- Large Ham: Usually when Izumi Sakurai is the subject matter.
- Mr. Imagination: Keeps getting caught up in ImagineSpots involving one Izumi Sakurai.
- Not So Above It All: Comes off as a normal teacher at first.
Kana Nakamura
Voiced by: Kaoru Mizuhara
A science teacher who managed to figure out that Nano's a robot. Confused about why Nano would be enrolled in school instead of announced to the world, she has made it a point to capture Nano and study her. Her schemes always end up backfiring.
- AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle: Tends to happen when she gets excited.
- And Call Him George: Has no idea how to care for cats.
- Butt Monkey
- Early-Bird Cameo: In episode 3, she was looking for her cat Taisho[2].
- Epic Fail: She is the Epic Fail personified.
- Gratuitous English: During her visit to the Shinonome household.
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: Her attempts at the Poisoned Chalice Switcheroo both failed because she drank the coffee she herself drugged.
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Innocent Innuendo: "I've come to learn more about you, Shinonome"!
- Mad Scientist
- Not Again: People's reactions when they learn she's passed out. Implying she's tried to drug students before.
- Pit Trap: Another of her schemes to catch Nano. Predictably it fails.
- Poisoned Chalice Switcheroo: She inflicts this on herself in episode 15. Twice and no one was there the second time.
- Serious Business: EVERYTHING!!
- Tsundere: Maybe since she gets flustered every time someone calls her cute.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair Dark blue.
Voiced by: Yuichi Nagashima (a.k.a. Cho)
The school principal who often tells old jokes that no one gets. He has also suplexed a deer.
- Cannot Tell a Joke
- Dodgy Toupee
- Epic Fail: His moonsault
- Eyes Always Shut
- Name's the Same: According to the Vice-Principal in episode 26, his surname is Shinonome.
- Wrestler in All of Us The epic dear scene.
Vice Principal
Voiced by: Hiroshi Naka
The Vice Principal of the high school. He sad life is brightened by visits from his little grandson Micchan... until Micchan does something that leaves him sadder than before. Seems to dislike the Principal.
- Butt Monkey
- The Starscream: To the Principal.
- Wiki Walk: Manages a rather impressive one concerning all the misfortune in his life.
Yoshino Naganohara
Voiced by: Motoko Kobayashi
Mio's elder sister. An immature young woman fond of playing pranks on people she comes across. She attends college and is skilled at kendo.
- Big Sister Bully: To Mio, who responds with violence.
- The Gadfly
- Genius Ditz: According to Misato.
Counter Girl
A girl who works at the Daiku Cafe. She's very timid and has a hard time explaining things when her customers are angry or flustered.
Nakanojou, Sr., the Daifuku Guy
Voiced by: Hirokazu Hiramatsu
Runs a daifuku stall on the streets of town. He takes selling Daifuku very seriously, and insists on model behavior from the people he hires to be his daifuku mascots. Like his son, he has a natural mohawk. Though his has grown long enough that he can fake a normal hairstyle with it.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Serious Business: Selling daifuku
Voiced by: Kaoru Mizuhara
The Vice Principal's grandson. The Vice Principal anticipates his visits, but Micchan always ends up doing something to horrify his grandpa, such as trying to get him to eat mudpies.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Early-Bird Cameo: You can see him making said mudpies in the background of the nagashi somen scene.
Voiced by: Daisuke Ono
A random crow that the Professor brings home. She puts Sakamoto's scarf on it so it can speak.
- The Charmer: Instantly wins over Nano and Professor.
Biscuit #2
Voiced by: Etsuko Kozakura
A robot made by the Professor. He runs on biscuits. An improvement over Biscuit #1, whose head flew off.
- The Unfavorite: He was only made to impress Nano, so he gets neglected often.
A dog who has sometimes appeared before Yuuko to offer a comforting paw when things are especially rough on the girl. Is sometimes accompanied by a puppy, Kobuddy.
- Throw the Humans a Bone: Buddy performs this service for Yuuko.
The Fey Kingdom
A king, princess, and their soldiers who fly high above the world in a zeppelin. Their adventures are really just elaborate dreams on Yuuko's part. Or are they?
King Albert
Voiced by: Tamio Ohki
Ruler of the Fey Kingdom. He decided to take a trip around the world on a zeppelin, providing Dolph the chance he needed to grab power. He carries one of the two wood cubes which can be used to resurrect an ancient weapon.
Princess Starla
Voiced by: Noriko Hidaka
Princess of the Fey Kingdom. She holds the second wood cube needed to resurrect an ancient weapon. She manages to keep it hidden from Dolph until his rebellion fails. She holds the Mooks' turning on her and her father against them.
- Pointy Ears
- Trap Door: She has the Mooks try to entertain her in one sketch. This is the penalty when they fail.
- Trash Talk: Dolph describes her speech as vulgar, contradictory to her appearance.
- You Have Failed To Entertain Me
Voiced by: Takaya Hashi
An officer in the Fey Kingdom's army, adopted and raised by King Albert. Despite his grand plans, his attempt at rebellion ultimately fails due to his own clumsiness.
- Death by Falling Over: "His attempt at rebellion ultimately fails due to his own clumsiness" is not an exaggeration.
- Epic Fail
- Hoist by His Own Petard
- Too Dumb to Live: LITERALLY
- Laughing Mad
The Mooks
Voiced by: Hochu Otsuka (#8), Jun Fukuyama (#66) , Joji Nakata (#22) Akio Otsuka (The Negotiatior)
The men who serve the king and princess on the Fey Kingdom Zeppelin. They wear identical uniforms of slacks with green jackets and caps, and are distinguished by the numbers on their hats. Number Eight is usually the centerpiece in skits featuring the zeppelin.
- Death as Comedy
- Face Framed in Shadow: Even if the viewer can see beneath their green caps, their eyes are never visible.
- Four Is Death: Was the second one to go
- Elite Mook: Number 8 is always the one that inadvertently snaps Yuuko into reality.
- Oh Crap: After Dolph killed himself.
- Thirteen Is Unlucky
- Too Dumb to Live: Word of advice: if you find yourself in possession of the two artifacts that might make you king of the land, don't put them in a place where they can easily drop out of the window of a moving airship.
- Green Jacket Army
- You Are Number Six: The only way to distinguish individual mooks is by the number on their hats or, in the case of ranked or nicknamed members, the kanji. They refer to themselves by their numbers, too.
Helvetica Standard
A manga often seen being read by characters in Nichijou, some episodes have Helvetica Standard segments of their own.
With the exception of Chirashizushi, none of these names are "official", merely descriptive. Character entries are reserved for characters who have appeared in more than one Helvetica Standard sketch.
The Clueless Shinigami
A Shinigami who doesn't understand how to read the atmosphere of a situation. Once had his scythe stolen by the Poverty-Stricken Tengu.
- I Do Not Speak Nonverbal: The first Helvetica Standard skit has him asking what "KY"[3] refers to. His captain answers "You."
An angel. Tries to help others when she can and owns a very powerful toaster.
The Landlady
A kind landlady who isn't so kind to tenants who are behind on rent.
Poverty-Stricken Tengu
A Tengu who has sometimes resorted to theft to get enough money to eat.