< NiGHTS Into Dreams

NiGHTS Into Dreams/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo: Here's the first thing Reala says to a lost and confused little boy at an abandoned theme park in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams:

Reala: Oh how I've waited for this moment! The opportunity to get you all alone, dear visitor! Now, how exactly should I go about getting what I want? Hmm?

    • Heck, it starts from the beginning of the game!

Owl: Go over and touch NiGHTS. You'll see what I mean. That is, of course if you're into that sort of thing.

  • Angst? What Angst?: NiGHTS certainly takes hir entire species basically being out to get them in stride, although they does display signs of being bothered by Helen's reaction to learning that NiGHTS is a Nightmaren.
  • Anticlimax Boss: Wizeman in the second game.
  • Awesome Music: Pretty much the entire soundtrack, for both games, but especially the songs Dreams Dreams, NiGHTS and Reala, and The Mantle.
  • Complete Monster: Wizeman.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: Reala.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Jackle, to the point where people who never played the original game love the card-throwing crazy.
  • Fandom Berserk Button: Some people can be very insistent about ensuring that the title character's name is capitalized as NiGHTS, not Nights or NIGHTS.
  • Fan Dumb: Despite the Word of God saying that NiGHTS is genderless, many fans still adamantly insist that s/he's one gender or the other. Directly referring to NiGHTS with male pronouns in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams didn't really help matters, though it was probably done for convenience's sake.
    • One half of the Fan Dumb will descend on you for referring to NiGHTS as male, the other half for saying s/he's female. More sensible fans generally don't mind what you call NiGHTS, and only get annoyed if you try to insist that s/he's got a canon gender.
  • Foe Yay: NiGHTS and Reala, with the latter seemingly making it a point of capturing the former every other level or so (and getting up close and personal about it).
  • Marty Stu: Elliot in the first three comics.
  • Memetic Mutation: Du~a~lize!
  • Sequelitis: Many fans believe that the second game NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams is inferior to the original.
  • That One Boss:
    • Wizeman in the first game.
    • Bomamba, a witch whom you have to beat by tilting malevolent cat heads into holes. Odd physics mean it's mostly luck if any fall through. It's timed, too, just to add insult to injury. Jackle may also qualify.
    • And if Jackle doesn't qualify, Wizeman's battle in the first game definitely does. The fireballs and giant snowballs are easy enough to dodge, but the rows of stones will trap and kill you if you misjudge their movement. The worst is the tornado formed like a time glass: there's a small hole right in the middle of it, but you can only fit if you Drilldash. Did I mention it's very easy to miss?
    • Chamelon is a Guide Dang It sort of boss. Once you know what to do, executing it isn't too hard... so long as you don't dawdle at all and have reasonable luck.
    • For a first boss, Donbalon can be a real pain in the ass. He’s pretty annoying, creepy and laughs at you constantly. The premise is simple, just throw him to the top of the obstacle-filled stage. But the controls and quirky physics will cause a misbounce, and just one will ruin your A grade run. If you grab Donbalon near a block, the game can easily glitch, causing the nightmaren to rocket off at speed in a random direction (usually downwards).
  • That One Level: The Sky Concert.
  • Toy Ship: Helen/Will.
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