Nexus War/Characters
In Nexus War, classes are arranged into tiers, meaning the level of class. Every alignment- Angelic, Demonic or Unaligned- has two trees- A 'Combat' oriented and a 'Magic' oriented.
Angelic Classes
Paladin (T2 combat)
A powerful soldier for the forces of good.
Shepherd (T2 magic)
A priest for the forces of good.
- Healing Hands
- The Medic or Combat Medic - Depend a lot on skill choice.
Divine Champion (T3 combat)
A powerful guardian of the forces of light.
- Car Fu - via Cloak of Steel and its child skills.
- Elemental Powers
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- Winged Humanoid
Seraph (T3 combat)
A divine angel with great and terrible power.
- Arm Cannon
- Clock Punk - See Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot.
- Knight Templar
- Lawful Good: Even more then Divine Champions, or any other class. They can get a skill allowing them to kill pretty much anyone with no morality change.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Seraphs are Angelic Steampunk/clockpunk Robot Super Soldier Lawful Good flying warriors of JUSTICE!
- Winged Humanoid
Lightspeaker (T3 magic)
A holy being with the power to command lesser creatures of the light.
- Clock Punk - Judgemaster.
- Light'Em Up
- Mecha-Mooks
- Summon Magic
- Winged Humanoid
Advocate (T3 magic)
A divine being with a magnificent grasp of holy magic.
Demonic Classes
Pariah (T2 combat)
A half-demon, servitor warrior of darkness.
Defiler (T2 magic)
A dark sorcerer dedicated to evil.
Infernal Behemoth (T3 combat)
An extremely powerful demon lord.
- The Berserker
- The Brute
- Implacable Man
- Whip It Good: They get a flaming whip as a special weapon. Later, they get a flaming, implied Spikes of Villainy whip that saps health.
- Winged Humanoid
Void Walker (T3 combat)
A demon lord with the ability to manipulate hellish magic.
- Body Horror
- Powered by a Forsaken Child: One of their attacks uses dead babies to eat your soul. Seriously.
- Slasher Smile: Just look at their class picture!
Dark Opressor (T3 magic)
A master of manipulating hellish magic.
- The Baroness - How all females of this class are portrayed. Curiously, only Infernal Behemoths get special whips.
- Evil Overlord
- Horny Devils - A popular rendition of the class is this.
- Winged Humanoid
Wyrm Master (T3 magic)
A demon sorcerer who has the ability to summon creatures from the void.
- Bloody Murder - Acid Blood and Acid Touch
- Body Horror
- Combat Tentacles - The Tentacles Of G'nak. There was an entire faction centred around them being Naughty Tentacles.
- Lovecraftian Superpower
- Summon Magic
- Winged Humanoid
Unaligned Classes
Myrmidon (T2 combat)
A mortal with extraordinary combat prowess.
- Badass Normal: They're implied to be just normal mortals, just with lots of training.
- Charged Attack:
- Charles Atlas Superpower: See above.
- Redshirt Army: For some reason, they're portrayed this way in most of the skill flavor texts, while Mortals are portrayed as Action Survivors.
- Up to Eleven: Everything these guys are, the Eternal Soldier takes to ludicrous extremes.
Sorcerer (T2 magic)
A mortal being who has mystical powers.
- Cast from Hit Points - Sorcerer's Might lets them convert HP to MP
Eternal Soldier (T3 combat)
An immortal legionnaire of the Infinite Nexus.
- Badass Normal: They are the embodiment of this trope!
- Charles Atlas Superpower
- Made of Iron
- Scary Black Man - One of their (randomly selected) aspect.
Nexus Champion (T3 combat)
A powerful combatant who has learned to manipulate magic.
- Balance Between Good and Evil: At 0 morality (Dead center) they're nigh-indestructible killing machines. But only at 0, which negates it when you realize doing pretty much anything raises or lowers it a point.
- Magic Knight
- Power Tattoo
Revenant (T3 Combat)
An undead warrior who stalks the night
- Big Badass Wolf
- Black Knight
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Vampire Werewolf Death Knight, no less.
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Our Werewolves Are Different
- The Undead
- Weaksauce Weakness: Sunlight.
- Winged Humanoid: In a way.
Wizard (T3 Magic)
A master of the forces of magic.
Elementalist (T3 Magic)
A master of the elemental forces.
- Elemental Powers: Duh!
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors
- Flight: They can fly by controlling air.
- Summon Magic
Lich (T3 Magic)
A powerful master of wizardry who has escaped death by becoming undead.
- Mook Maker: Can summon an infinite number of zombies and skeletons.
- Population Control: A popular tactic was 'Petwalling', or making so many pets defending a square that no one can get in to fight... Which eventually caused serious issues with the game, a few times nearly breaking the server. So Jorm killed every pet in the game.
- Necromancer
- Night of the Living Mooks
- Summon Magic
- Turned Against Their Masters: Wraiths can and will turn against you.
- The Undead