< Next to Normal

Next to Normal/Characters

Next to Normal

The Goodman Family

Diana Goodman

Played by Alice Ripley

  • Annoying Patient: And yet, Dr Madden begs her to stick at the treatment.
  • Badass Normal
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: It seems that only Diana is really able to do this, but Alice Ripley as Diana was infamous for this.
  • Broken Bird
  • Feel No Pain: Diana has many complaints that her medication makes her suffer new problems each time it is altered, such as weight gain, sweating for no reason, constipation and nausea. However, after a while she claims "I don't feel like myself...I mean, I don't feel anything."
    • Averted when she throws away her medication in "I Miss The Mountains" because she misses her younger self, who felt pain, depression, happiness, sadness and even mania; but at least she felt.
  • Give Him a Normal Life:

Diana: [To Natalie] We tried to give you a normal life. (laughs) I realize now I have no clue what that is.

  • He's Back: When Gabe returns at the end of "Why Stay?/A Promise" behind Dan when Diana and Dan are about to embrace. Diana issues an "oh no" and turns Dan to face the (presumably) empty space where Gabe is, to which Dan yells a long "GODDAMMITTTT!"
  • "I Want" Song: "I Miss the Mountains"
  • Missing Mom: As Natalie sings towards the end of the show "It's so lovely that you're sharing, no really; I'm all ears. But where has all this caring been for sixteen years?"
  • No Medication for Me
  • Sanity Slippage Song: Could be seen as many for Diana.
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Too Much Information: Does this to Natalie at the very beginning of the show so it seems that they are leading normal lives.

Diana: Honey, you need to slow down. Take some time for yourself. I'm going to have sex with your father!
Natalie: Great, thanks, I'm so glad I know that.

Dan Goodman

Played by J. Robert Spencer

  • Bumbling Dad: Natalie wants him to be "a typical parent and lie" that everything with Diana will be OK.
  • Dogged Nice Guy
  • I Just Want to Be Normal
  • Men Don't Cry: Averted. Dan hides his emotions from his family until it eventually tears them apart, until his wife leaves him and Natalie finds him sobbing alone in the dark and simply replies that "there will be light." Dan eventually agrees to see a therapist recommended by Dr Madden, after a long time of bottling up his emotions.
  • Only Sane Man: Well, there's the bipolar wife, the angsty teenage daughter, the dead-ghost son, the daughter's stoner boyfriend and the terrifying therapist. And then there's Dan.
  • Stepford Smiler
  • The Caretaker

Gabriel "Gabe" Goodman

Played by Aaron Tveit

  • Even Evil Has Standards: Many think of Gabe as a vicious and aggressive spirit/memory trying to spite his family into remembering him, but he stops following his mother for once when she leaves his father to help him.
  • Death by Origin Story
  • Estrogen Brigade Bait
  • Fan Service: In "I'm Alive" Aaron Tveit's Gabe dances around the set energetically, leading some fans to ask "Is he pole dancing?"
  • Ironic Birthday: His birthday, when the delusional Diana bakes Gabe a cake, is when the audience explicitly finds out, from Dan, that "he's been dead sixteen years."
  • Meaningful Name: Gabriel, perhaps as in the angel who appeared to Mary in The Bible and told her she was pregnant.

Natalie Goodman

Played by Jennifer Damiano

Natalie: And you play 'til it's perfect, you play 'til you ache. You play 'til the strings or your fingernails break! So you'll rock that recital and get into Yale, so you won't feel so sick, and you won't look so pale.

Henry: Our planet is poisoned, the oceans, the air. Around and beneath and above you.
Natalie: Um, Henry, that's true and I totally care.
Henry: I'm trying to tell you-- I love you.
Natalie: WHAT?!



Played by Adam Chanler-Berat

Henry: The thing about classical is it's so rigid and structured, there's no room for improvisation. You have to play the notes on the page.
Natalie: Yeah, what did Mozart know anyway? He should've just smoked a bowl and jammed on Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.

Henry: ...Yeah, let's do that!

Natalie: "Oh, you're one of those pretentious stoner types."
Henry: "That's totally unfair! ... I'm not pretentious."

Dr. Fine/Dr. Madden

Played by Louis Hobson

  • Acting for Two
  • Dr. Feelgood
  • Meaningful Name: A therapist called Dr Madden? Yikes.
  • Rockstar Song: Parodied by Diana's hallucinations about Doctor Madden in "My Psychopharmacologist and I", and in Madden's cut song "Feeling Electric."
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