New World
New World is a Pokémon Fanfic written by An Enemy Spy. The plot centers around an eighteen year old trainer named Dust and his adventures. Rather than the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh or Unova regions, New World takes place in an original setting in a time period based loosely around the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries.
As of this edit, there are thirteen chapters including the prologue.
- After the End: Hinted at by Mewtwo.
- Aristocrats Are Evil: The Baron and his son, Ashton. The Baron challenges a trainer to a friendly battle and nearly kills his Pokemon for seemingly no other reason than to show that he could. Ashton is an all around Jerkass who sees no problem with stealing other people's valuable livestock because he is too lazy to go out into the wild to catch a Pokemon of his own.
- Attempted Rape: Almost happens to Maddie.
- Big Creepy-Crawlies: Dust is attacked by a giant Ariados.
- Black Box: Pokeballs. Extraordinarily useful devices. They catch wild Pokemon, mentally bond them with their trainer, and will implant information about that Pokemon in the trainer's mind. Nobody has the slightest clue how they work. In fact, nobody even seems to know how to make them.
Nidoman: "I have traveled to many parts of the world, and everywhere I go, the people tell me that the pokeballs come from somewhere else."
- Bubblegloop Swamp: Dust briefly visits a boggy area, and is almost eaten by a Swampert
- Darker and Edgier: Pokemon are highly dangerous creatures, and will kill each other if able to instead of just knocking eachother out.
- Dead Little Sister: Dust's father caught an extremely rare white Sawsbuck back in his youth, but he got it killed in a fight with a ruthless trainer because of his overconfidence. He's kept the pokeball empty ever since as a reminder.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Ashton savagely attacks Maddie after she slaps him. While he is attempting to rape her.
- Evil Brit:
- Obviously, Britain doesn't exist in this story, but if his accent is anything to go by, Ashton is an example of this.
- Interesting note: Despite his noble birth, Ashton speaks with a working class accent, perhaps to accentuate his rather unnoble nature.
- This accent is completely fake by the way. When Ashton is mad, he drops out of it
- Farm Boy: Dust.
- Giant Spider: Dust falls into a Spinarak nest, and is attacked by a giant Ariados.
- Girl Next Door: Maddie.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: Mewtwo certainly thinks so.
- Ludicrous Gibs: What happens to the Scyther that encounters Mewtwo.
- Meaningful Name:
- Ashton, whose first Pokemon is a Pichu.
- Also, the main character is named Dust, although Word of God states that the similarity of his name to Ash's was unintentional.
- Pokemon's names seem to be imprinted codewords in their brains that trigger them to obey their masters. For example, Totodile doesn't follow Dust's commands unless he specifically says "Totodile [do something]"
- Mind Control Device: Any Pokemon caught in a pokeball is bonded to its trainer and will obey him.
- Mismatched Eyes: Ashton's eyes are green and purple.
- Mooks: The Blackshirts, although they're actually fairly effective.
- Pokémon-Speak: Averted. Lampshaded with Hoothoot.
"Hoothoot!" It went. Whoever had named this Pokémon clearly hadn't felt very creative that day.
- Putting on the Reich: Borderline semi-example. The Blackshirts are likely named after the paramilitary group of Fascist Italy.
- Reptiles Are Abhorrent: Thoroughly averted by Totodile.
- Schizo-Tech: The story is set in a psuedo-Edwardian world, and yet people apparently have easy access to the technologically advanced pokeballs.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Mewtwo, until an idiot trainer breaks him out.
- Telepathy: Mewtwo communicates like this.
- The Edwardian Era: The story takes place in a pseudo version of this time period.
- The Load: What Dust originally thinks of Totodile, as it has yet to grow into a competant fighter.
- The Klutz: Dust is constantly tripping and falling on things. This proclivity sometimes puts him in danger, such as when he falls into a Spinarak nest.
- We Are as Mayflies:
Mewtwo: Your wondrous civilization is little more than a castle of sand against the relentless tide of the eons. Humans, who measure the passing of time in decades and centuries, thought you were fit to rule over those for whom a hundred millennia is but a single tick on the clock?
- Would Hit a Girl: Ashton, very much so.
- You Got Spunk: Ashton hates a girl with spunk.