Neon Knome
Neon Knome was an 11-minute animated short created by Ben Jones as part of a popularity contest hosted by Adult Swim, with the winner being green-lit for a full series. The story focuses on the life of a young man named Horace who, as a child, discovered a small furry creature in a drainpipe and decided to take it home. He named it Alfe and raised it himself along with his twin brother Roba who looks nothing like him at all. One day, Horace finds a gigantic rollerblade sitting smack dab in the middle of the yard and proposes that they get rid of it, as it is a serious violation of their lease. Thus begins their wacky and utterly bizarre adventure through a psychedelic world that appears to have been made entirely with Flash.
Unfortunately, Neon Knome did not win the contest, (having lost to another show called Yappy Broads but the pilot can still be seen in full here), however, it was picked up by Cartoon Network as The Problem Solverz, according to this Adult Swim bumper.
- Alternative Calendar: The pilot takes place on Tranuary 69th.
- Captain's Log
- King of All Cosmos: The Future Genies.
- Koan: Before enlightenment - rake the leaves, do the dishes. After enlightenment - rake the leaves, do the dishes.
- Madness Mantra: "Horace doesn't like the forest."
- Not So Above It All:
Alfe: Aww, look. Roba's having fun. Roba loves nature.
- Network to the Rescue: Cartoon Network picked up the show for 11 episodes and renamed it The Problem Solverz.