"Ground-breakingly gruesome. The first erotic film for necrophiles."
"What lives that does not live from the death of someone else?"
—Opening Quote by V.L. Compton
Nekromantik is a German horror film released in 1987.
Meet Robert Schmadtke, or just Rob, an outwardly normal (but meek) German man who lives with his girlfriend Betty, and works for Joe's Streetcleaning Agency. What does Joe's Streetcleaning Service specialize in? Body parts. And that's just perfect for Rob, since he and Betty are necrophiliacs. Every once in a while, Rob just pilfers some random pieces of the mangled bodies at his work sites, taking them home and preserving them in jars for him and Betty to play with, his latest score being from a grisly car crash.
One day, Rob hits the mother load, stealing a rotted, waterlogged corpse he and his co-workers were charged with moving. Taking the corpse home, Rob and Betty waste no time in having a ménage a trois with it. Unfortunately for Rob, his happiness does not last long, as he is fired from his job due frequent tardiness, prompting Betty to verbally emasculate him, and run off with the corpse. Now alone, Rob is left to spiral into a deep and disturbing depression...
A sequel, simply titled Nekromantik 2, was released in 1991.
No relation to Necromantic.
- Accidental Murder: A man accidentally shoots his apple picking neighbor in the neck.
- All Take and No Give: Betty (taker) and Rob (giver).
- A Love to Dismember
- Banned in China: And lots of other places.
- Bathroom Stall Graffiti
- Bath Kick
- Bathtub Scene
- Black Bra and Panties: Betty, and a prostitute.
- Black Comedy: Viewed as such by some.
- Blood Bath: Betty's has one in blood from an unidentified source, while Rob takes his in cat blood and guts.
- Blood From the Mouth: While Rob is killing himself.
- Burial At Sea: After accidentally killing your neighbor, the best thing to do is just stuff the body in a wheelbarrow, and dump it in some water.
- Burn, Baby, Burn: Rob does this to a picture of Betty.
- Carry a Big Stick: The rabbit gets smacked with a stick.
- Chick Lit: Betty reads some to the corpse.
- Cleanup Crew: Joe's Streetcleaning Agency.
- Content Warnings: "Warning: Some of this film may be seen as grossly offensive and should not be shown to minors!!!"
- Cool Shades: Betty, during her Blood Bath.
- Country Matters: "Don't laugh at me, you cunt!"
- Creator Cameo: Director and writer Jorg Buttgereit plays one of the Joe's Streetcleaning Agency workers.
- Creepy Cemetery
- Creepy Souvenir: Hearts, eyeballs, a fetus...
- Cute Kitten: After being fired, Rob gets one to try and appease Betty. After realizing she's left, he stuffs it in a bag, and beats it to death.
- Daylight Horror: Everything except the car crash and the murder of the prostitute takes place in broad daylight.
- The Dead Have Eyes
- Death by Mocking: The prostitute.
- Decapitation Presentation: It even came gift wrapped.
- Disposable Sex Worker: Rob kills, then rapes, a prostitute.
- Driven to Suicide: Rob's first attempt, with alcohol and pills, is unsuccessful. Later, he just knifes himself.
- Drop What You Are Doing: When the cemetery guard finds Rob and the dead prostitute.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Rob.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Betty.
- The Eighties
- Everythings Better With Bunnies: Except watching them be graphically slaughtered.
- Extreme Doormat: Rob.
- Eye Scream: The driver losing an eye, the rabbit having both of its gouged out, and Rob sucking the corpse's eye out and spitting it back into the socket.
- Fade to Black
- Film Within a Film: It seems to be a Slasher Film.
- Abandoned Area: A ruined house.
- An Axe to Grind
- Axe Before Entering
- Breast Attack: The main character has her breasts slashed with a switchblade.
- Chase Scene
- Hair of Gold: The main character.
- Knife Nut
- Looks Like Orlok: The villain.
- Menacing Stroll
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse: A body in a bathtub.
- Stocking Filler: The main character.
- Trap Door: The villain captures the main character using one.
- Unwilling Suspension: The main character.
- Woman in White: The main character.
- Flash Back: Rob performing an autopsy, and the rabbit slaughter (which is later shown in reverse).
- Foot Focus: Lots.
- Goofy Print Underwear: Rob.
- Gorn
- Grave Robbing: The ending.
- Gross Up Close-Up
- Gutted Like a Fish: The rabbit, and the cat.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: The passenger in the car crash.
- Handbag of Hurt: The prostitute, while Rob is strangling her.
- Hemo-Erotic
- I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: Trying to shoot birds while drunk is ill advised.
- I Love the Dead
- I'm a Humanitarian: The source of the steak Rob and Betty have for breakfast is never identified.
- Impromptu Tracheotomy: The apple picker getting shot in the neck.
- Jerkass: Bruno.
- Karma Houdini: The accidental murderer.
- Kick the Dog: Rob smashing the cat to death, and bathing in its spilled innards. At least his previous sexual proclivities weren't directly hurting anyone.
- Kill'Em All
- The Loins Sleep Tonight: After hiring a prostitute and taking her to a cemetery, Rob is unable to get it up.
- Leave the Camera Running
- Le Film Artistique
- Lonely Piano Piece
- Male Frontal Nudity
- Meadow Run
- Mushroom Samba: The combination of alcohol and pills causes Rob to have a vision where he wakes up in a bodybag with half his face gone. A girl in white approaches him with a severed head in box, which they play catch with before it transforms into entrails, which Rob dances through the meadow with.
- Nameless Narrative
- Nightmare Fetishist
- Nipple-and-Dimed: On the cover.
- No Animals Were Harmed: The rabbit killing was real.
- Numbered Sequels
- Off with His Head: The cemetery guard's death.
- Ominous Fog
- One Word Title
- Out with a Bang: While stabbing himself, Rob starts jizzing all over the place.
- Overcrank: During the threesome, and while Betty is playing with the corpse alone.
- Portmantitle
- Punk in the Trunk: The corpse.
- Raging Stiffie: Rob, while killing himself.
- Recut: As to be expected with this type of film.
- Red Shirt: The death of the cemetery guard was completely superfluous.
- Scenery Gorn: The car wreck.
- Scream Discretion Shot: The car crash.
- Seppuku: Basically how Rob kills himself.
- Sequel Hook: The film ends with a woman digging up Rob's body.
- Shirtless Scene: Rob.
- Shovel Strike: Rob beheads the cemetery guard with his own shovel.
- Shower of Angst: Rob bathes (in blood, admittedly) after Betty's departure.
- Slashed Throat: The rabbit.
- Soundtrack Dissonance
- Taking the Kids: Betty absconds with the corpse.
- Thousand-Yard Stare: Rob.
- There's No B in Movie
- Three-Way Sex: With a corpse.
- Two-Faced: Rob, in his hallucination.
- Urine Trouble: The film begins with a woman peeing on a dead bird.
- Villain Protagonist: Rob, eventually.
- Villainous Breakdown: Rob tries to kill himself, fails, murders two people, then successfully kills himself.
- Wall-Bang Her: Rob attempts to, against a tombstone.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: The threesome is shot like something out of a classy vintage porno, coming complete with beautiful music, slow motion, and different angles.
- Woman in White: The girl in Rob's hallucination.