< Neighbours


  • Alas, Poor Scrappy: After a roof collapses on her, Jessica Wallace (the resident highschool bully) only has moments to ask her boyfriend to tell her mother that she is sorry for being a disappointment before she dies from her injuries. The kicker: He had agreed to be her boyfriend just minutes before the accident occured.
    • Moody rich girl Serena Bishop suffered through attempted-rape, finding out her boyfriend was really her half-brother and a plane crash. She was eventually lost at sea.
    • Bridget Parker received much negative backlash from both the public and the media when she first joined the show, and many viewers called for her death. Ironically, just as fans had warmed up to her character, she was killed off in a freak car accident.
  • Brits Love Australian Soaps: To the point where viewing figures for Neighbours in the UK often surpassed the population of Australia.
    • In fact, this is the only Australian series (and the last imported one to date) to have topped the ratings in Britain.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Paul Robinson. 'Nuff said.
    • Not to mention his evil, murderous son, Robert Robinson.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Years before he became a major star on the show, Alan Fletcher guessed starred as a mechanic called Greg Cooper, talking to his current character's precursor Jim Robinson. Further, Cooper refers to his ex-girlfriend's new partner as "Karl".
  • Ho Yay: Ringo and Declan seemed, at times, suspiciously intimate with one another. They were even assumed to be a couple when they went on a weekend away.
    • Kelly Katsis initially mistook Toadie and Dan for partners
    • Libby and Steph had even greater levels of Les Yay.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: The Kennedys went from being the perfect family with the perfect life, to a more believable and well-rounded bunch of characters.
  • The Scrappy: Jo, Lisa, Eddie, Nick, Caitlin, Lauren, the Lim family, Katya, and to a lesser extent the Hancock and Parker families.
    • "Lesser extent" nothing in regards to the Parkers. The father is an obnoxious, bullying meathead with Alpha male pretentions, the mother is an unsympathetic, shrill annoyance, and the daughter? Can you say "self-righteous, whining, irritating Mary Sue made worse by her amazingly poor actress"?
      • Your Mileage May Vary: about Bridget, whose death was considered by many to be a massive tearjerker. The other two, yeah, the show is better without them.
      • Alternately, a fairly decent teen character was ruined by a protracted storyline where she kills a boy without any comeback (Karmic Death?) and the shipper-pleasing decision to have her sleep with the local Jerk with a Heart of Gold, get pregnant and marry him, all while still at school.
        • The boy in question was trying to rape her, and all she did was push him away with the result that he accidentally hit his head on the pavement. If that story ruined anyone it was her father Steve, thanks to the insane lengths he went to to save her from the minuscule possibility of jail time.
        • It's still hard to feel much affection for any of the characters involved when they spend months lying to the police and court about what happened, then when Bridget finally does blurt out the truth... absolutely nothing happens to any of them. By rights, they should all have ended up with jail time for conspiring to pervert the course of justice, not to mention Steve assaults a coma patient in front of the hospital staff and isn't even escorted from the premises.
    • I don't know how other tropers feel, but I think that Kyle is falling into this category. He's annoying, dumb, pointless and adds nothing to the show whatsoever.
  • Wangst: Zeke, for a while. Libby since her 2007 return.
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