Neighbors From Hell

Neighbors From Hell was a Flash animated sitcom created by South Park veteran Pam Brady that premiered on June 7, 2010 on TBS, but sadly was not renewed for a second season. The plot basically concerns the adventures of a family of demons that must relocate to Houston, Texas in order to keep a powerful new drill with the ability to plow straight into Hell itself from becoming active, thereby destroying their underworld. ...Yeah.

It should not be confused with a series of PC games by the same title.

Tropes used in Neighbors From Hell include:

Satan: TV rots the mind. It's a fact.
Balthazar: I did not know that!

Satan: You've been on Earth for 10 weeks with no progress! Tell me why I shouldn't cancel you right now?
Balthazar: Umm... because we're fun to watch?
Satan: ... I'm going on vacation. When I come back I'm going to expect results, or I'll find another family! ... Guy. Family Guy...

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