< Necroscope
- Complete Monster: By the truckload. Necroscope's vampires were very probably the major inspiration for the most horrifying aspects of Vampire: The Masquerade (most obviously the Tzimisce), and as such have numerous examples among their ranks, and being a Necromancer involves litterally violating the dead in both mind and spirit to communicate with them ...and enjoying it. And that's not counting those that aren't in either of these two groups.
- God Mode Sue: Harry Keogh.
- Jerkass Woobie: Dragosani may be a bastard, but his childhood was SERIOUSLY messed up, and he's been emotionally manipulated by a vampire from quite an early age, and almost raped by his cousins.
- However, after becoming a vampire, he turns into an Ax Crazy Complete Monster
- Sequelitis
- Values Dissonance: Due to having been started in the early-to-mid eighties certain attitudes to people of Eastern European backgrounds, and homosexuality are a bit out of step with the modern audience. May also be a case of Fair for Its Day.
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