Nava Verse
The Nava–Verse is a fictional universe created by one "Moleman9000", and originally based on Deviant ART (its contents can now mainly be found on Flickr instead). The basic premise of the setting is that after the Rapture and End Times, God created a new universe and reality with an entire slew of new creations, multiple planets in proximity to one another, and a new Heaven with new angelic creatures. There is also a new Underworld and Hell with new evil rulers, and new demonic creatures.
The universe is developed primarily through drawings of its characters accompanied by in–depth "Lore" about each and every one of them. So far, a single full–length Nava–Verse story exists, Connor Thorn and the Film Reel of the Cosmos, in which a human from Earth winds up in the Nava–Verse via a form of inter–dimensional time–travel and is thrust into the role of a messiah. The second Nava-Verse story known as "Eggmen: Mercenary Legends", follows the formation and early adventures of a Five-Man Band of mutant heroes.
The "franchise" has been on hiatus for some time, but continuing it with new content is now being contemplated again.
- Aerith and Bob: See Law of Alien Names, then note that the main villain is simply named "Heinrich".
- After the End: Takes place in a new universe created after the end of the original one.
- Aliens Speaking English
- Exclusively Evil: Most demons, naturally, and some humanoids such as the Skellen.
- Always Lawful Good: Many humanoid races are primarily characterized by their goodness.
- And Your Little Dog, Too: Heinrich killing Frilla.
- Anti-Hero: Wing-Egg is Type III or IV and Electric–Egg is Type V
- Anti-Villain: Yohr'Bansa and even Lord Reson
- Artifact Title: "Connor Thorn and the Film Reel of the Cosmos". Both in the sense of the trope and literally.
- Artistic License: Biology: Justified in that the Nava-Verse is a very different dimension than the original universe.
- Artistic License Religion
- Black and White Morality: Intentional.
- Big Bad: Not Satan, but Genome, according to his description. Heinrich in Connor Thorn and the Film Reel of the Cosmos.
- Bigger Bad: Lord Reson, supposedly, in Connor Thorn.
- Big Good: God the Father.
- Big No: Parodied.
- Body Horror: Skellen abominations, also Gluttony demons, especially the archfiend.
- Blood Knight: Electric-Egg.
- Call a Rabbit a Smeerp: For the very few creatures that have any basis in an existing being.
- Card-Carrying Villain
- The Chosen One: Connor Thorn subverts this. It is revealed that the real Thorn was killed long ago by Heinrich, who only brought Connor to the Nava–Verse as a sick joke. This doesn't stop him from fulfilling his role anyway.
- Crystal Dragon Jesus
- Dark Is Evil / Light Is Good: Though the latter is averted with the Primal Deities.
- Demon Lords and Archdevils
- Eldritch Abomination: Primal Deities are mild examples of this. Deferseara is a full example of one.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Ohgroids are such sick fucks that virtually all other demons, including other Lust beings, kill them brutally out of a twisted sense of justice.
- Everything's Worse with Bears: Subverted with Écuate, who may be a trigger-happy grouch, but is willing to help Connor Thorn all together.
- Evil vs. Evil: Lord Reson Vs. the current rulers of the Underworld.
- Faux Symbolism: Genome resembles a DNA helix.
- Fire and Brimstone Hell
- Five-Man Band: The Eggmen.
- Five-Bad Band: The Demioid Mutants (although there are six of them).
- For the Evulz: Heinrich.
- Friendly Neighborhood Vampire: Wabacawlers, complete with a Twilight reference.
- Future Imperfect: What little knowledge the inhabitants of the Nava–Verse have of humans comes from what is vaguely described in the "Next Testament".
- Gorn: Some scenes in Connor Thorn verge on this.
- Green-Skinned Space Babe: One is witnessed in chapter 5 of Connor Thorn.
- Grotesque Cute: Flufewogs, who are shown killing and being killed in a massive battle.
- Gods Need Prayer Badly: Primal Deities Operate this way.
- Halfway Plot Switch: In Connor Thorn, which at the beginning is about a film festival that's never mentioned again once Connor gets to the Nava–Verse.
- Harmless Villain: Meth Stoph and Satan, apparently.
- Heroic BSOD: Connor has at least two of these.
- Horny Devils: Lust demons in general, but the Amelchya deserves special mention.
- I Just Shot Marvin in the Face: Écuate's preferred method of dispatching enemies.
- Idiot Hero: Connor Thorn, especially during the beginning.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: A few of the characters in this can qualify.
- Lampshade Hanging: Connor Thorn is full of this.
- Last-Name Basis: Connor Thorn comes to be known this way.
- Law of Alien Names
- Living Battery: Qual for Vaynmizs.
- Load-Bearing Boss: Heinrich's floating castle starts to collapse after his death for no other reason than this.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: All the characters revealed so far are only a tiny fraction of those that exist.
- Messianic Archetype: Averted with Connor Thorn.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: "Evil Ninja Emperor Heinrich".
- Non-Human Sidekick: Frilla, to the only human in this universe, Connor Thorn.
- Non-Indicative Name: The titular "Film Reel of the Cosmos" only appears twice in Connor Thorn and, while important to the plot, is hardly developed or explained at all.
- Nothing Is Scarier: The "Abyss of Infinite Death"
- Off with His Head: Heinrich's death.
- Ominous Floating Castle: Heinrich's castle.
- Our Hero Is Dead: At the end of Connor Thorn.
- Out with a Bang: What an Amelchya does to her victims.
- Orcus on His Throne: See Harmless Villain.
- Our Demons Are Different
- Our Dragons Are Different: Here, they exist only as part of a giant demon named Dairckazz.
- Our Gods Are Greater: A mix of Henotheism and Monolatrism.
- Overdrawn At the Blood Bank: Zarasadan.
- Patchwork Map: Sertrop [dead link] .
- Pay Evil Unto Evil: The philosophy of characters such as the Drajelaos and Bestamiak.
- Precision F-Strike: "FATHERFUCKER!" It's the only uncensored expletive in the whole story.
- Psycho Electro: Electric-Egg
- Real Is Brown: Averted absolutely as hard as humanly possible.
- Real Men Wear Pink: The artist uses it generously along with all other colors, even on characters that are supposed to be intimidating.
- Satan: Right here.
- Science Is Bad: The way the Skellen use it, at least.
- Seven Deadly Sins
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The entire Skellen armada.
- Segmented Serpent: Lel'Thlenu
- Single Biome Planet: The most notable is Hulptos, which is made almost entirely out of water.
- Sociopathic Hero: Écuate may or may not be one. Fire–Egg and especially Electric–Egg definitely are.
- Starfish Aliens: A few.
- Starfish Language: The Manciatents speak one. Absolutely no one can decipher a word of it.
- The Messiah: Connor Thorn, according to the aliens he meets, is this, though in reality he's just a normal human.
- The Unintelligible: Manciatents, see Starfish Language.
- Unholy Matrimony: Lord Reson and Princess Tzsicsz
- Villainous Glutton: Averted with Gluttony demons, who instead are based on Body Horror.
- War Is Hell: Connor Thorn definitely attempts to show this with constant bloody deaths (albeit mostly of minor, unnamed characters).