< National Treasure

National Treasure/Funny

  • "Sir, it's the Hudson. Nothing is visible."
  • Just about anything Riley says.

Riley: [lying in the backseat, whining] "When are we gonna get there? I'm hungry. This car smells weird."

  • The deleted scene from the first movie, where Abigail and Riley run through an empty strip-club.

Riley: Well, that was disappointing.

  • The "Friend or Idol?" Decision...Ben drops Abigail in order to save the Declaration of Independence...(though where she lands, from when he dropped her is much safer than where Ben was at the moment, to be fair), when getting back to her Ben starts apologizing, but Abigail then reassure him, she would have done the exact same thing in Ben's position! Riley naturally lampshades this.

Riley: I would have dropped you both...freaks.

  • When Ben and Dr. Chase kiss almost by accident in the tomb, one of Ian's Mooks enters behind them, witnesses it, and says in a really distinct accent.

Mook: "Why does that never happen to me?"

  • The Templar Treasure scene and Riley's reaction to it.

Riley: Look....Stairs....(cut to a scene and we see stairs that)

    • "It's a big blueish-green man... with a strange-looking goatee. I'm guessing that's signifigant." *hugs the statue*
  • Riley again.

Riley: Okay. Who wants to go down the creepy tunnel inside the tomb first?

  • From the sequel, Riley's reaction to not being able to read the Book of Secrets cover to cover.
  • The mean and nasty trick Ben plays on the group when he sticks his hand into the rock on top Mount Rushmore

(Laughs) I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

  • In the sequel, scene where the President of the United States has to resort to hitchhiking

as a truck starts slowing down to give him a lift.
POTUS: Well, this is going to be interesting.

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