Naruto: Clash of Ninja

Naruto: Clash of Ninja (or Gekitou Ninja Taisen in Japan) is a series of Fighting Games for the Nintendo GameCube and the Wii based on the Naruto anime.

Since the characters come from the anime, they share many of the tropes found on its character sheet.

Tropes used in Naruto: Clash of Ninja include:
  • Adam Smith Hates Your Guts: There's a lot of ridiculous prices for characters in Revolution 3. Then again, it's Bando running the shop.
  • Assist Character: Choji helps Ino out during her special move in 2. When Choji was made playable in 3, the move was changed so Asuma would be the assistant instead (this change was also made in Revolution, despite Choji not being part of that game's roster). In Revolution 2, where both Choji and Asuma are playable, Ino received a new attack that wouldn't need any assist characters.
  • Bare-Fisted Monk: Any character who doesn't have long range abilities falls under this. Examples include Lee, Guy, Tsunade, and Neji's Shippuden version.
  • Battle Aura: Used by some characters, particularly Naruto, as a power-up visual.
  • The Beast Master: Kiba can order his dog Akamaru to attack for him in battles. Kankuro and Chiyo can use their puppets in a similar style.
  • Blow You Away:
    • Temari has some spectacular wind attacks.
    • Baki also has several wind blade combos, and a whirlwind that pulls the opponent.
  • Calling Your Attacks
  • Canon Foreigner: Bando, Komachi, Towa, and Kagura.
  • Capcom Sequel Stagnation: Something of a complaint, given the style doesn't change all that much.
  • Cel Shading: The games have cel-shaded graphics to emulate the visual style of the anime.
  • Combat Medic: Kabuto can restore some damage immediately after being attacked, as well as having good taijutsu.
  • Confusion Fu:
    • Shikamaru's thinking stance can lead into a variety of different attacks or counterattacks, making his fighting style difficult to predict.
    • In Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, Kakashi can fall under this. Every time he uses a special, he can choose one of five jutsu, but since all of them have the same start-up animation it's hard to guess what he'll do.
  • Cute Bruiser: Sakura in the Shippuden games.
  • Ditto Fighter: Kakashi's Sharingan allows him to copy his opponent's special attack. Sadly, not used in CoNR3. He just counters with Lightning Blade. He still dodges specials, though.
  • Doppelganger Attack: Naruto's schtick. Itachi does it too.
  • Double Unlock: Revolution 3's store would often show the characters that needed to be unlocked when you bought all the required characters... But they'd be unselectable anyway due to not showing their names or prices until you complete more tasks.
  • Dual-Wielding: In Revolution 3, Hidan uses his scythe and pike simultaneously.
  • Dueling Games: This series and the Ultimate Ninja series, respectively.
  • Dummied Out: Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution has several unused sounds in its Sound Test. For example, there are sounds that imply that Lee originally went beyond two gates, Kisame calling out his Shark Skin, and another that implies that Gaara was intended to go Shukaku. The developers say that they left them in as Easter Eggs for the fans to discover. At least one, Itachi's "Mangekyo Sharingan!" was used in Clash of Ninja Revolution 2.
  • Flash Step: Used by some characters to teleport behind the opponent for a sneak attack.
  • Fragile Speedster: Ino.
  • Fuuma Shuriken: Mizuki uses these.
  • Glass Cannon:
    • Choji. He has very powerful combos, but when he gets caught in somebody else's combo, he has a hard time escaping.
    • Rock Lee can be made into one if he actives the Gate of Life, which supercharges him but drops his HP to 1.
  • Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: The story modes often have the player character fight the same battles as the anime. You're expected to win even in matches where, in the canon, your character got curb-stomped; once you win, the story mode continues as if you had lost.
  • Jerkass: Bando is basically demoted to this status in Revolution 3, at least until he's "hired".
  • Lady of War: Kagura in the Revolution series.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Akamaru, the little puppy, appears as a playable character in some of the games. He's too short to be hit by most standard attacks, making him annoying to fight against.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Rock Lee and Might Guy, even more so when they active their Gates. As a trade-off, they're Barefisted Monks with no long-range attacks.
  • Limit Break: Your chakra meter gradually fills up as you fight. Filling it completely allows you to perform a special attack.
  • Long-Range Fighter: Sakura pre-timeskip, Temari, and Komachi in the US-exclusive Revolution series are the main examples.
  • The Mario: Naruto and Sasuke.
  • Mighty Glacier: Gaara and Bando in the Revolution series.
  • Nonchalant Dodge: Shikamaru casually leans away from attacks without taking his hands out of his pockets.
  • Overly-Long Fighting Animation: The special attacks.
  • Ramen Slurp: A loading screen.
  • Ryu and Ken: Iruka and Mizuki. Their movesets are almost identical, the only difference being that Mizuki makes greater use of the Fuuma Shuriken. later games added Zabuza and Kisame, Kimimaro and Kagura, Haku and Komachi, and a few more.
  • SNK Boss:
    • Deidara, in Revolution 3. A blatant cheater, and you are forced to play as Nine-Tails Naruto, a close combat fighter who can't do damage unless he's right next to the enemy. Of course, since Deidara doesn't stagger unless knocked off his feet, that gives him plenty of time to throw up another damn storm of clay bombs that break your guard. Even if you do knock him off his feet, he'll use Ninja Log to get out of range, leaving a bomb behind to knock you into yet another combo of bombs, when he's not using Teleport Spam to blast you again. Did we mention it's a Timed Mission with only a minute on the clock, and you can only win if you use a Special as a finisher?
    • The series makes regular use of this trope for its final battles, usually in the form of Super Armor. Here they are in order by game: 1: None; 2: Gaara (The one consolation was that, in this game, you could get an item that gave your character Super Armor, something no other game has done since.); Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3: Unknown; Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4: None, the final boss (Naruto/Sasuke, you get to pick) isn't superpowered; Revolution: Itachi Uchiha seems to be the only one ; Revolution 2: Might Guy, Kagura, AND Kabuto (Kabuto doesn't have Super Armor, but he regenerates. Guy, however, is the worst of the three, as not only does he have the Super Armor, he also takes little to no damage from attacks, AND you have to defeat him with the Primary Lotus. Also note that the former two aren't final battles, but Kagura can be semi-excused for being rather climactic.); Revolution 3: The aforementioned Deidara is another absurd example as you fight against him earlier, and he doesn't have the Super Armor. Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX series: Unknown
  • Super Move Portrait Attack
  • Title Scream: Regardless of which game you're playing, every character (unlockable characters won't do this if you haven't got them yet) will do this.
  • The Unexpected: Few, if any, expected Yugao Uzuki, a character who barely appeared in the Manga and Anime, as a character in these games.
  • Victory Pose
  • Vocal Evolution: Bando's lines in Revolution 2 seemed incredibly forced, at times, in Revolution 3, his lines became much more natural because of the new voice clips.
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