Pictured: Chocolate Lady, Cripple Boy, Turtle, Chocolate Man, Seal, and Fake Mom
Nameless is an ongoing[when?] comedy-drama-adventure Flash cartoon by Yotam Perel/LazyMuffin, currently[when?] on hiatus after its 6th "episode". It follows the adventures of Chocolate Man and Cripple Boy as they attempt to find Chocolate Man's mom, escape from prison, get a date, and more.
The few existing episodes can be found on both YouTube and Albino Black Sheep.
Not to be confused with the serial killer comedy-drama webcomic also called Nameless [dead link]
Tropes used in Nameless include:
- Abusive Parents: It's heavily implied that Miller's mom sexually abused him.
- Animate Inanimate Object: Chocolate Man and Chocolate Lady.
- Art Evolution: From relatively crappy in Nameless #2 to quality rivaling that of some professionally-made cartoons.
- Ax Crazy: See below.
- Berserk Button: Don't talk about people having sex with mothers around Miller.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Pretty much everyone except Chocolate Lady to some degree.
- Depraved Homosexual: Miller (possibly)
- Domestic Abuser: Cripple Boy. He treats Chocolate Lady like a maid, says he has a surprise for her which turns out to be a Rube-Goldberg-style machine for kicking her into a table, and even cheats on her with a camel.
- Driven to Suicide: Cripple Boy. He makes Satan cry, so God sends him back to Earth. The girl who loved Cripple Boy, too, after he rejects her.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The characters' names.
- Genre Busting: Possibly because of all the...
- Genre Shifts: From straight comedy to comedy-drama, then to some sort of crazy wierd romantic-comedy-drama, then back to comedy-drama by the end of the fifth episode.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Chocolate Man and Cripple Boy.
- Improbable Weapon User: Miller, the "silly-shaped knife killer", many of whose knives look like they would be very hard to use practically.
- Knife Nut: Miller, a serial killer who stabs his victims to death with silly-shaped knives.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Cripple Boy, though the lovable part is somewhat debatable later on.
- Masochist's Meal: "Here! I brought you your Mega-X dinner! Fried-bacon flavored ice cream with a donut glaze! In a bucket! A bucket made of pizza, that is!"
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Averted in that Chocolate Lady actually goes on Cheaters, complete with Joey Grece.
- Only Sane Man: Chocolate Lady.
- Scary Black Man: Cripple Boy's black brother. He raped and butchered three babies.
- Shout-Out
- Taking the Bullet: Lola Lotion - Chocolate Man's manatee friend - jumps in front of Chocolate Lady when Miller is trying to stab her. Unfortunately, it doesn't work out as planned.
- Yandere: Miller for Chocolate Man.
"I will murder him with my knives for you."
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