< Named Weapons

Named Weapons/Quotes

Behold, the Emperor's wrath made visible, for you shall be a rebuke unto the enemies of mankind. I bless thee thrice, Once for your creator's devoted pains, once for the fierce joy you have stirred in my heart and once for the great deeds that you will see accomplished.

I bless thee thrice and name thee Luminous.
Ecclesiarch Sebastian Thor, Warhammer 40,000
Bolverk's hands fumbled over the pieces. 'Aye,' he breathed, 'Well I remember this blade. Me it was whose help Dyrin and Dvalin besought, when they must make such a sword as this to ransom themselves from Svafrlami but would also have it be their revenge on him. We forged ice and death and storm into it, mighty runes and spells, a living will to harm.' He grinned. 'Many warriors have owned this sword, because it brings victory. Naught is there on which it does not bite, nor does it ever grow dull of edge. Venom is in the steel, and wounds it gives cannot be healed by leechcraft or magic or prayer. Yet this is the curse on it: that every time it is drawn it must drink blood, and in the end, somehow, it will be the bane of him who wields it.'
Bolverk the Giant speaks of the sword Tyrfing, in Poul Anderson's The Broken Sword (1954)
At first only its tip was visible, but then it rose, straight, proud, all that was noble and great and wondrous. The tip of the blade pointed toward the moon, as if it would cleave it in two. The blade itself gleamed like a beacon in the night. There was no light source for the sword to be reflecting from, for the moon had darted behind a cloud in fear. The sword was glowing from the intensity of its strength and power and knowledge that it was justice incarnate, and that after a slumber of uncounted years its time had again come. After the blade broke the surface, the hilt was visible, and holding the sword was a single strong, yet feminine hand, wearing several rings that bore jewels sparkling with the blue-green color of the ocean.
Knight Life by Peter David, the scene where Excalibur is introduced
Six men came to kill me one time. And the best of 'em carried this. It's a Callahan full-bore auto-lock. Customized trigger, double cartridge thorough gauge. It is my very favorite gun... I Call It Vera.
Jayne Cobb from Firefly

Horus: I dub thee Anubis, How about you're weapon Knuckles?
Knuckles: Well I would call it something cool too, but since we need a punchline *sigh* ... I dub thee Sam, Sam The Sabre ... Stupid Punchline.

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