Nagasaki Moon
A crazy book started off as kind of a bet. An unholy child of Twilight, Dragonheart, Anime and Dr. McNinja - really just about anything the author is a fan of.
You can download it for reading here. The story of how it came to be is here.
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Tropes used in Nagasaki Moon include:
- Decon Recon Switch
- Enemy Mine: What could get vampires and werewolves working together?
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Only things not allowed are orcs.
- Fourth Wall Observer: The years Orrick spent being incapable of doing anything but taking in input has led him to some interesting revelations about the world around him.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: Anie
- The Greatest Story Never Told: Most everyone's ultimate goal.
- Interspecies Romance: Jack and Anie
- Halfway Plot Switch: The vampires and werewolves don't fight each other for very long...
- Hot Springs Episode: Kind of averted.
- I Am Who??
- Inadequate Inheritor: Anie is seen as this.
- Indy Ploy
- Journey to the Center of the Mind
- Katanas Are Just Better: Subverted. Despite taking place in Japan with ninjas, the characters use a variety of weapons, but absolutely no katanas.
- Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: Among many other reasons so many try to kill Anie.
- Love Triangle: Jack and Tamotsu both like Anie.
- Madden Into Misanthropy
- Made a Slave: the vampires.
- The Magic Comes Back: A threat in this world.
- May-December Romance: Jack and Anie again (even looks like a Mayfly-December Romance... at first)
- Mental Time Travel: Used to set up the sequel hook.
- Missing Mom: initially. Later we find out things are a bit... different when it comes to Anie's mother.
- Motor Mouth: Alicia
- MST3K Mantra
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: It's a shorter list of who doesn't break something and make things worse. Maybe the high school students at the beginning?
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: specifically, cyborg vampires and ninja werewolves.
- Older Than They Look: The vampires, as well as Anie's dad.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Our Vampires Are Different: 2 kinds with an interdependent life cycle.
- Our Werewolves Are Different: They have 3 forms.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: if you see a vampire's eyes turn red, it's running time.
- Rock-Paper-Scissors: The cyborg vampire and werewolf ninja need to decide who has to have lunch with the giggly, flirty girls and who gets to have lunch with the female lead they're supposed to protect. How do they decide? An epic battle? No, they play Rock Paper Scissors.
- Rule of Fun: Why have cybernetic vampires? Why not?
- Rule of Funny: Orrick's existence.
- Sarcastic Confession: Jack to Anie toward the beginning
- Shapeshifting
- Take That: The whole project is a parody of Twilight, as well as many common fantasy/sci-fi cliches.
- Tuckerization: Anie and Alicia are named after two of the people who inspired Nagasaki Moon
- Vegetarian Vampire: The main vampires (which are these) poke fun at this title. They actually consider themselves anti-soylents.
- A Wizard Did It: Very literal.
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