Naga Eyes
Naga Eyes (AKA "Snakes on a Sora") is a Kingdom Hearts Fanfic. It stars an Out of Character Sora, who is portrayed as a weak, helpless Uke, and Riku, who is portrayed as a strong, handsome, sexy Naga (basically, a snake person) who is superior to human beings.
When Sora gets tired of playing on Destiny Islands all day, his friends interpret it as his believing he's too good for them. They leave Sora. In despair, he rows to the other side of the island and meets Riku. Riku proceeds to rape Sora, gives him irreversible scars and then eats him. Sora does manage to escape from Riku's body, but not before Riku decides to make Sora his eternal pet.
This is considered one of the worst Kingdom Hearts fanfics. It was sporked here. Another fic based on it had the first three chapters sporked starting here, and the second chapter sporked (again) here.
- Artistic License: Biology
- Anatomically-Impossible Sex - Naga!Riku's penis is a foot long. Real snakes have the Mermaid Problem.
- Author Appeal - Presumably.
- Biggus Dickus - Naga!Riku's penis is a foot long.
- Chekhov's Gun
- Can't Argue with Elves: Sora makes a few attempts to prove that humans are superior, but eventually gives up and submits to Naga-Riku.
- Gratuitous Rape
- Hope Spot: where it is depends on who you're rooting for.
- Poor Communication Kills - Sora's friends hear him say how bored he is of the island, and assume it means he's bored of them, too.
- Puny Earthlings - Riku goes on and on about how weak humans are compared to Nagas. This would have worked a lot better if a naga's life didn't seem to consist entirely of lying around and eating passers-by.
- Purple Prose
- Rape Is Love
- And apparently, so is vore.
- Apparently, vore is often about getting as close to your lover as possible...
- Sex Slave: Sora's final fate.
- Voodoo Shark: A particularly botched attempt at explaining Yuffie's shuriken being in Sora's hair.