< NYPD Blue


  • Crowning Moment of Awesome - "Just remember; I gave you what you wanted... and this bitch didn't flinch"
  • Deader Than Disco: When the series premiered it broke new ground in the cop drama genre, was critically acclaimed for its acting and was hugely controversial for its swearing and nudity. Now its barely even remembered as just another cop procedural and interest has waned so much that after the fourth season's DVD release in 2006 no further seasons have been released with the prospect of the other 8 seasons ever seeing DVD becoming increasingly unlikely as time goes on.
    • The show's disappearance from American cable and broadcast syndication didnt help matters. Still, David Milch's continued attempts at high concept HBO dramas could help renew interest, especially now that the whole series (including the last 4 seasons in HD) is on Amazon Prime Instant Streaming. It's one of their few notable titles not available on competitor Netflix Watch Instantly.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: How Sipowicz became the focus character after Caruso left.
    • Also Gordon Clapp as Medavoy who went from a recurring character to being an important character who ended up being the only cast member to stay all twelve seasons besides Denis Franz.
  • Fan Disservice -- The nudity and sex was frequently a double-edged sword.
  • Jerkass Woobie -- Sipowicz, eventually evolving into merely The Woobie.
  • Never Live It Down - Sipowicz has become famous for showing his butt. On the entire run of the show, it actually happened twice (and one of those was during a prostate exam).
  • Seasonal Rot-- While there is a Vocal Minority that thinks the show was never as good as it was in the first season with David Caruso as the star its usually agreed that the show lost its luster somewhere between the departure of Jimmy Smitts in season 6 and the season 8, by the end of which the entire original cast (as well as the popular Kim Delaney) save Denis Franz had left the show and Sipowicz had entered into a ludicrous Ugly Guy, Hot Wife relationship with Connie (Charlotte Ross). There's some other opinions floating around but there's very few fans that think all 12 seasons of the show are worth seeking out and watching.
  • Tear Jerker -- Simone's Death Episode (though Andy Jr. and Sylvia's deaths hit hard as well)
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