< NGO Superpower

NGO Superpower/Quotes

In a world of satellites, lasers, computers, briefcase weapons, precision targeting, and a choice of viruses with which to attack people or computers, nations as we now know them may well find themselves up against potent adversaries, some no more than a millionth their size.
Alvin Toffler, Powershift

Observe that three rentacops can handle any number of occupiers, though it somehow takes three hundred policemen to handle fifty occupiers. The recent military debacles of the British army suggests that they could similarly handle today’s British army. A handful of Blackwater mercenaries can defeat a large horde of Arabs, a handful of Arabs can defeat a horde of British soldiers, which suggests that Blackwater could conquer Britain quite easily if ever the Pentagon were to let them off the leash, or the Pentagon’s hand became too feeble to grip the leash. The weakness of Europe makes reversion to seventh century anarcho-piratism a real possibility.

The left singularity continues from James A. Donald

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