NES Godzilla Creepypasta

NES Godzilla Creepypasta (Blogspot mirror here) is the artistic spawn of Bogleech Member Cosbydaf. It relies on a combination of first person narrative and edited videogame screencaps to tell its story.

One day, our protagonist is given a bunch of NES games by an old friend of his. Being an enormous Godzilla fan, he starts with a nostalgic favorite, Godzilla Monster of Monsters. Shortly after beginning, he finds that the game is glitched, presumably from a hack. At first he's delighted to find that the game includes monsters that weren't in the original. He becomes suspicious when he faces extremely recent Godzilla enemies from films that came out long after the game's release. Things take on a decidedly darker turn as a shapeshifting beast known only as "Red" appears, displaying awareness of the player's existence; from there, environments become ever more sinister, cheesy monsters transform into indescribable abominations, and twisted worlds spawn, seemingly independent of the player or even the game itself. The game reveals knowledge about the player that it couldn't possibly have as the mind games of the insidious entity leading it all grow more and more aggressive.

Cosbydaf has begun to release information about a sequel. What we know so far: it will involve the game cartridge falling into the hands of another gamer who plays through an entirely different adventure alongside Godzilla (of course) and Rodan, facing a group of giant monsters based off of the Seven Deadly Sins. You can find the sequel here.

All in all, NES Godzilla Creepypasta is a very subtle, enthralling piece of work, highly recommended to anyone who's never found sleep to be all it's cracked up to be.

Tropes used in NES Godzilla Creepypasta include:
  • Abandoned Laboratory: Brimming with cybernetic monstrosities, naturally.
  • And I Must Scream: The player ends up like this in the final battle, where he cannot move his body to do anything but play the game. Fortunately, it's temporary.
    • Also, Red tortures Melissa in the afterlife, and Zach risks this fate if he loses.
  • Art Shift: In a non-comedic example, the graphics start out as fairly plausible for NES graphics, but from the Titanosaurus battle onwards begin to subtly shift into more advanced fare, culminating in Zenith's Womb Levels which look almost photorealistic.
  • Ascended Demon: Solomon. Note his red eyes turn blue after his resurrection.
  • Back for the Finale: After two worlds in which he doesn't appear, Anguirus comes back for the final world.
  • Back from the Dead: All of the killed monsters and Face are revived after Red's defeat.
  • Berserk Button: Red really hates Solomon.
  • Big Bad: Red, of course.
  • Big Good: The blue angel, or Melissa.
  • Biological Mashup: The boss of the "KILL" stage.
  • Body Horror: Plenty, but in particular the mutated creatures on Entropy and pretty much everything on Zenith.
  • Boss Rush: The end of "Extus" contains a battle with all of the "replacement" monsters one after another.
    • Fusion Dance: It ends with their combined form, the Chimera.
  • Bonus Stage: The Heart Temple is full of harmless enemies that the narrator uses to refill his health.
  • Breather Level: The snowy forest in Entropy, in stark contrast to the vast majority of the other levels, is downright relaxing. Subverted when the narrator runs into a massive field of frostbitten animal corpses and psychotic raptors.
  • Breath Weapon: Red can apparently breathe fire, as demonstrated in the final battle.
  • Darkest Hour: After Red takes out all four of Zach's active monsters, Zach tries to activate the last one, but Red paralyzes his heart and the screen flashes "Game Over"...
  • Demonic Spiders: In an in-universe example, the narrator runs across a fair amount of these once Red takes over.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?
  • Dramatic Disappearing Display
  • Dual Boss: The pyramid monsters.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: On the other hand...
    • Bittersweet Ending: The whole thing seems to have left the narrator depressed, though it's implied he'll be able to overcome it. And the game cartridge is still out there...
  • Eldritch Abomination: Hellbeast/Red. Moon Beast and the various replacements for the Toho monsters also qualify.
    • Face is a much more subtle version. It doesn't seem to understand human morality, and judging from its questions ("Is water wet?") it comes from / perceives / is a location where conventional physics are unreliable at best. While not as evil as Red, it is also kind of a dick.
  • Eldritch Location: The levels gradually begin taking on aspects of this, ceasing to become a series of obstacles and transforming into entire worlds where entities live out their lives independently.
  • Eleventh-Hour Ranger: In a way, Acacius.
  • Escape Sequence: "RUN". And you'd better!
  • Evil Is Visceral: Red certainly thinks so.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Red and Face, who... are.
  • Fan Service: Not in the "cute girls in short skirts" variety, the "nerdy indulgence" variety. Appropriate enough for something from Bogleech, it's got kaiju, old video games with strange, abstract enemies, and of course good ol' fashioned Nightmare Fuel on top of it.
  • Gaia's Lament: The aptly-named Entropy shows a beautiful world decay and mutate under the strain of industrialization. The harmless giraffe-herons become gruesome mummy-birds when exposed to toxic waste, the raptors turn homicidally insane, and the moon itself gives birth to a fetal humanoid that transforms into a titanic abomination.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: This is the only way Red can emote.
    • Not quite the only way (his brow occasionally furrows in anger and he opens his mouth to menace the player at one point), but the most obvious.
  • Heel Face Turn: Solomon pulls one before the game begins.
  • Hell Is That Noise: Invoked. Much of the soundtrack, but special mention goes to Unforgiving Cold.
    • The glacier levels' theme song compared to another subtle, eerie winter theme from Donkey Kong Country. Red delights in contorting the soundtrack in unrecognizable ways.
  • Kaiju: Obviously. It's as much a love letter to obscure and fan-favorite kaiju as it is a creepypasta.
    • Word of God has stated that Red was partially inspired by the idea of Giygas as a kaiju along with the rumored (but false) unproduced film where Godzilla fights Satan himself. It explains so much.
  • Marathon Boss: In Extus, Not-Ghidora, or Chimera as it's called, takes Zachary a long time to kill. And that doesn't count the Boss Rush that precedes it.
    • Let's not forget Red's final form and his absolutely massive health bar. It's implied that, even using Acacius, it took a while to defeat.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: Implemented to pants-wetting effect. Most prominent in the "Unforgiving Cold" level, which is a completely uneventful seven-minute trek down a blue stone hallway with a static effect on the screen, stone Nightmare Faces lining the ceiling, and eerie music in the background.
  • Nightmare Face: The Hell Beast has one, utilized to great effect when it pops out from a screen-full of "KILL" to shock the player - and audience. Face is killed and becomes a bleeding skull in the final world, Zenith.
  • Oh Crap: Every time the narrator discovers a new way that the fourth wall fails to protect him.
  • One-Winged Angel: Some of the new Godzilla monster bosses keep their alternate forms: Biollante, Battra, and Destoroyah. Mecha-Godzilla starts off looking like normal Godzilla before the Robotic Reveal and then later changes into a "replacement" monster. In the last stage, King Ghidorah apparently uses the replacement monster glitch to become Mecha King Ghidorah. And of course, there's Red.
  • Our Angels Are Different: The "angel" that's featured in the center of the site's banner blocks the Hell Beast (and promptly gets killed, crying Tears of Blood as it happens) to give Godzilla time to escape. It is eventually revealed to be the spirit of Melissa, an old flame of the narrator, and later returns to save him from Red's wrath.
    • A skull-faced red angel with a similar design appears in the red temple stage on Zenith - but is nowhere near as friendly.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Red never smiles, not even triumphantly.
  • Recurring Boss\Final Boss Preview: Red, if this was a normal video game at all. The end of each stage starting with "Pathos" is an Escape Sequence where he chases after you and his touch is a One-Hit Kill. In the final level you fight him instead. Fortunately he can't One-Hit Kill's against the rules.
  • Revised Ending: Played for Laughs here.
  • Sequel Hook: The game cartridge is still out there.
  • Shout-Out: A possible one to Eversion.
  • Sixth Ranger: "Would you like a new monster?"
  • Synchronization: In the final battle.
  • Take That: The author delivers a potshot towards the 1998 remake towards the beginning of the game.
    • Among the other games he got is "some stupid thing called Action 52".
  • Technicolor Death: Red.
  • That's No Moon: Moon Beast.
  • Trick Boss: Of all the replacement bosses, Ghidorah's replacement is... a Dorat that gets taken down by two slashes from Solomon...then Chimera appears.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: As the unfortunate player finds out at the final stage of World 3, Trance.
    • Near the end we learn that Red has been watching the player well before he started playing.
  • The Lost Woods: The Entropy forest, which takes on the music of Unforgiving Cold the second time around.
  • The Most Dangerous Video Game: Vaguely implied to be a conduit to other worlds, and possibly the afterlife. And it's still out there.
  • The Very Definitely Final Dungeon: "Zenith". The setting is basically Hell, the quiz game and television screens are broken, and the final two bosses before Red are King Ghidora and Destoroyah, two of the most infamous villains of the Godzilla franchise.
  • Video Game Caring Potential: In Entropy, Zachary feels it would be wrong to attack the deer-like creatures he finds there, and leaves them be. At times, he even chases away some raptor-like animals that appear to be their natural predator. For good reason, in that these creatures might actually be alive.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Red has a running form, a swimming form, and a flying form, which it uses to chase Godzilla, Anguirus, and Mothra, respectively. And, revealed in chapter 8, a giant form.
  • Wham! Episode: The first Hell Beast chase.
    • The second part of "Entropy", in the "white tree" stage.
    • The end of "Extus".
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: Invoked. "If you’re going to cheat, then why do you even let me use the controller?!" "CAN'T BREAK THE RULES"." Apparently Justified, since Red's attempt to break the rules lets the player use the Eleventh Hour Supermonster.
  • Womb Level: The "organic levels" in Zenith. The monsters and obstacles are truly sickening.
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