< Mystic Ark
Mystic Ark/YMMV
- Crowning Music of Awesome -- Nearly every battle theme, and a few others as well.
- "Hey! Don't Attack Me!"
- "Match Time," the scenario end-boss theme.
- Nightmare Fuel -- Those cute cuddly little foxes become terrifying stilt-legged demons on the battle screen.
- The appropriately named Child's World - there is exactly one adult to be found anywhere (not counting the Hero, of course). None of the children seem to find this the least bit odd or unusual, and nobody mentions what happened to the other adults.
- Viewer Gender Confusion -- Yes, that's Remeer there on the game's cover--not Ferris. The only real way of differentiating between the two is that Ferris has a dress that poofs out and wears her hair in a braided ponytail, while Remeer has a very long shirt and lets his long bishie locks flow freely.
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