< My Neighbor Totoro
My Neighbor Totoro/Fridge
Fridge Horror
- My Neighbor Totoro: They find a little kid's sandal in the pond when looking for Mei. Because it is identified as not Mei's, it makes you wonder who the sandal belonged to...
- It can easily be dismissed as just some garbage. There's way more than one way that sandal could have ended up there.
- More importantly, the reason it was considered such cause for alarm was because there was a small girl's sandal floating in a pond at the same time as a small girl was lost. If all the area's kids had been accounted for at the time, the sandal probably wouldn't have caused more comment than "damn littering kids."
- After you discover the many connections between this film and the Sayama Incident, you'll never see it the same way again. This blog post here has a detailed explanation.
- However, several points in the Sayama theory are clearly debunked by the movie, most plainly the one that suggests the sandal really is Mei's, but her sister, in stunned denial, lies about it. Both sandals are shown in closeup, and there's really no room for doubt.
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