My Name Is Q
My Name Is Q is a webcomic using a style similar to that of The Order of the Stick. Created and developed by Quin Azevedo using Corel Draw PHOTO-PAINT 8, the series is hosted on the Giant In The Playground forums. It can be read here.
The story is about Q, a Physical God Shout-Out to Star Trek: The Next Generation. Q loses his powers and becomes a mortal, a powerless elf. He is found by a group of adventurers, who claim to use his infinite god-like knowledge to find treasure. He is later used to defeat the Darkness-wanderer, another Physical God Evil Counterpart.
While arguably not the best quality of art or story, with the only source of humor coming from Fourth Wall breaking, it is actually Better Than It Sounds.
Tropes used in My Name Is Q include:
- All Monks Know Kung Fu: Green-shirted Q is a monk technically, and sings the song "Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting" when during his final smash.
- Annoying Arrows: Q shoots the Darkness-wanderer with an arrow and he dosen't seem too fazed by it.
- Aesop: Don't do bad things or Karma will hunt you down.
- Author Avatar
- Badass Decay: Darkness-wanderer did pretty well until he lost his powers
- Big Bad: The Darkness-wanderer
- Big Damn Heroes: A little subverted. Q attempted to save his wife, but actually put her, himself, and everybody else in much more danger theoretically.
- Blade on a Stick: Porky's weapon.
- Book Ends
- The Brute: Bortak, the Gargoyle Barbarian King.
- The Chess Master: The Darkness-wanderer.
- Chekhov's Gun: The ability to regain powers by a simple selfless act.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Green-shirted Q kicking ass while singing "Kung Fu Fighting".
- Defeat Means Friendship: Averted until Bortak joins the good side the fourth time he is defeated. When the Xeneria "defeats" him, he goes back to the evil side.
- The Dragon: Xeneria and Bortak can both be considered dragons.
- Embarrassing First Name: Gilligan Grinly. Although it isn't a particularly big deal.
- Evil Gloating: From both good guys and bad guys.
- Eye Beams: The Azevedriods and Grinly.
- Eyepatch of Power: Grinly gets one of these.
- Fan Nickname: GSQ/Q2
- Five-Man Band:
- Q: The Smart Guy
- Grinly: The Hero
- Carl: The Lancer
- Porky: The Big Guy
- Sarah: The Chick
- Heel Face Turn and Face Heel Turn: Bortak.
- Lampshade Hanging: Almost everything is lampshaded.
- Losing Your Head: Happens to Q.
- Love Triangle: Both Porky and Carl love Sarah, who is oblivious to this.
- Mecha Mook: The Azevedroids.
- No Name Given: Carl's name is only mentioned outside the comic.
- One-Letter Name: Q
- Pet the Dog: Q is really self centered, but shows he actually really cares for "GS"Q.
- Until his own safety is jeopardized, that is.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy: Porky
- No Fourth Wall: The only source of humor.
- Our Dragons Are Different: Carl, who is a gnome who turned into a dragon using a certain Dungeons and Dragons prestige class.
- Perky Female Minion: Xeneria
- Prequel: This story is a prequel to Avatar Battle Royale.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: Bortak, his gargoyles, and Xeneria at one point.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Grinly
- Red Shirt: Averted in Q.
- Robotic Reveal: Grinly again
- RPG Mechanics Verse: The World seems to be a combination of Dungeons and Dragons plus Super Smash Bros..
- Screw the Rules I Have Plot
- Sequel Hook: So many
- This Is for Emphasis, Bitch: "He's back.....Bitches!"
- Title Drop
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