< My Lovely Ghost Kana

My Lovely Ghost Kana/Heartwarming

The entire manga is full of heartwarming moments and scenes. These are merely some of the most memorable.

  • At the end of the first volume Daikichi is on the way home when he is run off the road, falls into a hidden crevice and is in danger of suffocating. Kana feels something is wrong, overcomes whatever force was binding her to her place of death at considerable cost to herself and finds him. She shares her life force with him to keep him alive long enough for the "huge fireball" she creates to bring people to investigate and rescue him in time.
    • The imagery, tone, dialogue, and Kana's absence immediately afterward all suggest she sacrificed herself to save him... but after ten suspenseful pages, Kana is revealed to be waiting at home, just as lively as always. Readers who don't realize there are two more volumes may be on the verge of crying over this poignant Bittersweet Ending, only to get knocked off their feet by a wave of sweet relief.
  • On Daikichi and Kana's date at an amusement park, a little girl near them starts crying because she dropped the balloon her mom had just bought her and it's floating away. The balloon "mysteriously" stops in midair as Kana floats up to catch it. They drift back down to earth and Kana, grinning, hands it back to the little girl, who grins right back and says "thank you."
  • "Kana! WELCOME HOME!!"
  • Inagawa's date with Kana in chapter 19 is a whole issue of heartwarming moment after heartwarming moment.
  • In the final volume, while on his job, Daikichi's team breaks into a room in the building they are demolishing where they find a long-ago dead and decomposed body, alone in the room -- just as Kana's body was discovered. The rest of the team freaks out, but Daikichi pauses and looks around but sees no sign that the dead person's spirit may still be around. That evening at home, he asks Kana if she is really there and real. When she reassures him that she is, he grabs and holds her tightly.
    • In case you missed it, Inagawa has another such moment when he tries to cheer up the uncharacteristically quiet Yaguchi following her sudden absence from work. Her behaviour throughout this scene alleviates some of the mystery surrounding the identity of the person Daikichi found in the condemned building...
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