< My Little Pony

My Little Pony/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% are dangerously cute here:

These are recommendations made by Tropers for Fan Fics, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. No-name recommendations will be Zapped (wiki). Nopony would back up the rec. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.

For fanfics based on My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, go to its page


Tabby and Strawberry's Dream Valley

  • Recommended by: My Little Raptor
  • Synopsis: Much like Lady Moondancer's works, this site's fanfictions offer a completely different perspective on how Ponyland works and where they've expanded the world into different cities and regions. Some of their work is not very child friendly, but they have a system in place for warning against that.
  • Many of their fanfictions were hosted on the webzine, My Little Pony Monthly, which has since ended and lost its original hosting. Tabby &Strawberry now hosts it as well here.

Friends Forever

  • Recommended by: My Little Raptor
  • Synopsis: Jenn, the admin of this website and author of the fanfics on it is a fan of the early 90s series My Little Pony Tales, which featured the pastel colored equines in Slice of Life situations. These stories featured the cast in their senior year of High School and dealing with problems most teenagers have at that time: romance, breakups, grades, part time jobs, getting a driver's license, worrying about college, and two of the fics even touched on the topics of drug abuse and while the other takes place at their high school reunion where they discover just how far apart they've fallen. Well worth a look if you liked Tales. Somewhat darker than the series ever was, but not by too much, usually.

Teddy's Place fanfics

  • Recommended by: Winter Worlock
  • Synopsis: The author and site admin retells the Tales universe in much the same vein as Jenn of Friends Forever (just above), but with more adult themes, and usually told from Teddy's POV. Warning, there is a lot of swearing, and the series handles the topics of sex, pregnancy, child abuse, and depression. Would calling Darker and Edgier by redundant or not?

My Little Pony Lexicon

  • Recommended by: My Little Raptor
  • Synopsis: This is a message board almost entirely entirely dedicated to hosting My Little Pony fanfictions. They come in literally every variety. Warning: some are NSFW, but they use a rating system (G, PG, R) to warn readers. So you always know what you're getting into.

Worlds Apart by Flying Pony

  • Recommended by: My Little Raptor
  • Synopsis: Ladies and centlecolts, the ultimate Massive Multiplayer Crossover My Little Pony fanfic. It starts out in the Tales-verse and things go from there. An alicorn filly is found and raised by muggles. The only magic she has learned is how make herself look like an ordinary Earth Pony like the others. She is unaware of her past and true destiny. Well, some visitors from "out of town" are going to make sure she's made aware of both very soon.
  • It can also be viewed in comic format here.

The works of Lady Moondancer

  • Recommended by: My Little Raptor
  • Synopsis: This author, on the other hand, is a long standing fan of the original 80s continuity and wrote several fanfictions that further expanded and explained the world of Ponyland while poking fun at the 80s cartoon in the process, but affectionately so. She completely averted the Lady Land rule and had several ponies actually be stallions, including Applejack. It should go without saying that this is a very different and more realistic spin than what was presented in the show. Some of the stories even delve into the originals of Ponyland, itself, while others get Darker and Edgier like no one else's business.
    • You can find a reserved version of her old site for more of her works here.
  • A Pair of Little Ponies by dragonfang33
  • Recommended by: My Little Raptor
  • Synopsis: A simple little tale in which Fizzy and Wind Whistler watch the sunset together and the latter begins acting distance. Fizzy however just won't let that stand.
  • Faded Memories by Jello Star
  • Recommended by: My Little Raptor
  • Synopsis: An elderly Megan thinks back on the days of her youth when she rode on the backs of the little ponies. Old yearnings that cannot be attained awakened in the aged Keeper of the Rainbow. It has a sequel here.
  • My Little Pony: Arachnis the Captor by Al-1701
  • Recommended by: My Little Raptor
  • Synopsis: A new threat has come to Ponyland, Arachnis, an ancient evil that has more returned to take over the world. Now it's up to Wind Whistler and Fizzy to save the day with some help from Baleful Polymorph friends on an epic quest. It is very much a classic-style adventure story much in line with the best that the 80s series had to offer.
  • Another Rainbow in Another Sky by Annie D
  • Recommended by Pichu
  • Synopsis: Megan grew up.
  • Comments: It's rare to find pre-G4 fics, and even rarer still to find such good fics. It's a decent sized fic - maybe a little on the long side for a oneshot - that focuses on an adult Megan. It has some Crossover elements but it's quite mild.
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