< My Chemical Romance

My Chemical Romance/YMMV

/wiki/My Chemical Romancecreator
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Somewhere, a group of people did when it was let out that Liza Minnelli was going to be on The Black Parade.
  • Awesome Music: Now has its own page.
  • Broken Base: Hoo, boy...
  • Crazy Awesome
  • Ear Worm: Where do we start? How about here?
  • Epileptic Trees: A whole forest was planted before The Black Parade was released, resulting in lots of Wild Mass Guessing. Come to think of it, the forest might still be expanding, as there's no real agreement on whether it's the story of The Patient as he's dying or after he dies.
    • And now there's a whole new forest being planted surrounding the new album! This place has coverage on what's been going on.
      • Wouldn't it be Epileptic Cacti since the new stuff seems to be taking place in the desert?
  • Fan Dumb: On steroids.
    • Reaching a fever pitch in the wake of the shenanigans before the release of the 4th album.
  • Funny Moments: Now has its own page.
  • Hate Dumb: Tends to focus on the boys wearing eyeliner and using stage gay or the supposed pro-suicide message, without any regard to the actual music.
  • Ho Yay: Frank and Gerard have this in spades to the point many fans insist "Frerard" is real. I wonder why.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: The whole damn band. Mostly this is limited to finding as many shipping options withing the confines of the band, however.
  • Memetic Mutation: Gerard will smash your face in for six bucks and a Dr Pepper. He'll also break into your house and suck your blood if you illegally copy I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love.
    • WHEN I WAS (From a post meme on 4chan that tried to chain the lyrics of The Black Parade without any c-c-c-combo breakers.)
    • Pedicone stole everything. EVERYTHING.
  • Moment of Awesome: Now has its own page.
  • Narm: From "You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison": "DO YOU HAVE THE KEYS TO THE HOTEL ROOM?!"
    • Of course, some find it awesome nonetheless.
    • "My Gun fires seven different shades of shit. What's your favorite color, punk" never fails to crack this troper up.
    • "BUT THERE'S SHIT THAT I'VE DONE WITH THIS FUCK OF A GUN". Pointless, ridiculous, hilarious.
  • Narm Charm: The "Na Na Na" video and "Art is the Weapon" trailer.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Gerard's really rather good at this on stage, able to seem potentially Ax Crazy before looping back into just Crazy Awesome or even Badass. Song-wise, "Mama" and "Bury Me in Black" could qualify.
  • No Yay: I'm lookin' at you, certain members of the fanbase. You know what I'm talking about.
    • For those not in the know, Gerard and Mikey Way? They have the same last name because they're brothers. Not because they're married. Because they're brothers. And that's why they love each other. Because they are BROTHERS.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Touring drummer Mike Pedicone got this treatment in the beginning from some fans who missed Bob, but over time they've come to embrace him and even hope he becomes a permanent member...at least, until it came out that he was stealing from the band.
  • "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: The sentiment of a lot of fans (especially on LJ) in response to the "shenanigans" the band is doing before the release of the 4th album, directed towards both the band and the fans who want to actually participate in the shenanigans.
  • Take That: We Don't Need Another Song About California may qualify as one towards the current pop music trends. Cough, cough.
  • Tear Jerker: Now has its own page.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Happens with the release of every new album. Also tends to happen whenever Gerard changes his hair.
  • True Art Is Angsty: A likely initial perception. And then you get songs like "House of Wolves" and "Our Lady of Sorrows"...
    • Not so much anymore. "Na Na Na" anyone? True art is apparently a (ridiculously fun) weapon.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Depending on the picture, Gerard has a way of getting this treatment by those unfamiliar with the band. It doesn't help his case that there's a crossdressing story in his past, told by the man himself.
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