My Blue Heaven

In this 1990 Slice of Life Romantic Comedy, Vincent "Vinnie" Antonelli (played by Steve Martin) is a wise-cracking, flashy mobster adjusting to suburbia with the help of Barney Coopersmith (played by Rick Moranis), an FBI agent whose wife just left him for her own selfish reasons.

When Vinnie gets into trouble, he gets arrested by Hannah Stubbs (played by Joan Cusack), who is not at all happy that someone like him is being under the watch of Barney and vents at the FBI agent when they first meet. The reason for all of Hannah's frustration is because she's a divorced mom stuck raising her two sons.

But as the movie progresses, Vinnie learns to shape up, and Barney and Hannah realize their feelings for each other.

Tropes used in My Blue Heaven include:
  • Actually Pretty Funny: When Vinnie marries Chaldean before his divorce to his first wife is finalized, he tells Barney "It's okay, I didn't marry her under my real name!" Barney's furious at first... but is soon telling it as a joke at parties.
  • Bad Liar: Vinnie is a consummate liar, but sometimes he paints himself in a corner. "Why do you need 25 copies of it?" "In case I want to read it more than once..."
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Shown between Barney and Hannah when they first meet.
  • Bilingual Bonus: Vinnie's (probably fictional) dog is named "Fongool."
    • Hannah's reaction to this indicates she not only understood it, but provides context for the audience that this was Not A Nice Thing To Name A Dog.
  • Blessed with Suck: Vinnie's description of the "sweet deal" he gets from the FBI for testifying.
  • Character Development: Vinnie becomes more responsible and it's implied he really does come to love and care about the town. Barney loosens up and learns to enjoy his life.
  • Disgusting Public Toilet: Vinnie doesn't like to use public toilets as shown in two scenes.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: Vinnie in the grocery store when he sees Chaldean.
  • Dramatic Irony: During her rant at Vinnie's trial, Hannah snarks that Vinnie and the FBI would have you believe that a bunch of hitman stereotypes "in white on white ties" are going to attempt to kill him if his actual identity is known. What she can't see is that two men fitting that exact description, down to the ties, are taking positions behind the door and reaching for guns.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Vinnie's stated reason for testifying against his old crew. It's left up to the viewer to decide whether this is charming bullshit (like practically everything else he says) or one of the few times where he's sincere.
  • Everyone Chasing You: The movie's climax following the escape from the courtroom.
  • I See London: Happens to Barney when Vinnie rebels.
  • Light Bulb Joke: Everyone thinks they have a sense of humor, even if they don't.
  • Karma Houdini: Vinnie is a criminal who has no real remorse and continues to commit crimes on a daily basis...and is voted the Man of the Year.
    • Well, he did actually testify against his old boss, and really built the kids a stadium. At the very least he's a Villain With Good Publicity.
  • Running Gag: Barney never seems to remember to unfasten his seat belt before trying to get out of the car.
  • So Unfunny It's Funny: "What's the difference between a light bulb and a pregnant woman? You can unscrew a light bulb."
  • Straight Man and Wise Guy: Barney and Vinnie
  • Super OCD: Barney is implied to have this when he eats pancakes.
    • Really, about everything he does.
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