< My Biological Clock Is Ticking
My Biological Clock Is Ticking/Playing With
- Basic Trope: A woman realizes she's not getting any younger, and feels that she needs to get married and have a baby ASAP.
- Played Straight: Alice reaches her 35th birthday, and starts to worry about her single status and the fact that she has no children.
- Exaggerated: Alice is doing this even though she's still in college.
- Alice is Driven to Madness over this issue and becomes the local Crazy Cat Lady.
- Justified: Alice is living in a world where it's Mate or Die
- Unfortunately, there is a limited window of time in which a woman can have biological children, and Alice is reaching the tail end of that time period.
- Inverted: Alice does not want any children.
- Gender Inverted: Bob is worried about the fact that he has no wife or kids.
- Subverted: Alice is single and sans-children at 35, but doesn't seem to spend a lot of time worrying about it.
- Alice already has children.
- Double Subverted: But she has six online dating service accounts, all seeking a man who is eager to settle down and raise a family.
- But she wants another child, or if her kids are old enough, she wants grandchildren.
- Or, her kids are all adopted, and she wants to have a biological child or children.
- But she wants another child, or if her kids are old enough, she wants grandchildren.
- Deconstructed: Alice is so obsessed with marriage and babies that it makes her look desperate (which does tend to put men off).
- Reconstructed: Alice decides she can lead a fulfilling life even without a husband and 2.4 children by her side, and pursues other goals. If the marriage and kids happen, great. If not, Alice still has a great life.
- Parodied: Alice asks a guy about "where this is going" etc. on the first date.
- Lampshaded:
- Averted: Alice doesn't think this way.
- Alice already has children, and does not want to have any more.
- Enforced: Most Writers Are Male and think all women think this way.
- Invoked: Alice is having a mid-life crisis.
- Defied: Alice decides to focus on other goals.
- Discussed:
- Conversed: "Now that I'm 30, maybe we should start thinking about having kids? I won't be young forever!"
- Played For Laughs: Alice will take any man - literally, any man - just so she can have kids. She even comes up with elaborate schemes to trick guys into getting her pregnant.
- Played For Drama: Alice is an intelligent and powerful businesswoman, and yet all her parents care about is getting grandchildren, and favor her less-accomplished sister Betty simply because of her many kids. Alice feels pressure to get married and pregnant simply to make her parents happy.
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