< My Babysitter's a Vampire

My Babysitter's a Vampire/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: The Season 2 Big Bad, the cloaked Evil Sorcerer who turns out to be Vice Principal Stern, is surprisingly cold and vicious for a villain in a Disney Channel show.
  • Ear Worm: The theme song. Also the song that plays during the High School Dance and at the end of 'Guys and Dolls'.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Played straight with Erica and Jesse, toyed with in the cases of Sarah and 'Evil Benny', and averted outright with Rory (who thinks he's sexy and cool enough already.
  • Fridge Horror: In the 'bad future' seen in "Friday Night Frights" - Ethan's little sister is neither seen or mentioned. What did Coach Ed do to a little girl that would break Ethan...?
  • Hollywood Homely: Erica before being bitten.
  • Nightmare Fuel - The first episode gave us the zombie animals...especially the dog
    • The episode Guys and Dolls has that doll that's turned into a 30 year+ woman obsessing (ala pedophilia) over the main character's little sister. Not to mention her falling apart and getting damaged and draining the life force out of humans (and vampires) and turning them into dolls.
      • Later at the end of the episode when Debbie Dazzle has been turned back into a doll, while all the characters are dancing, she turns her head and winks.
    • Possessed Rory in "Die Pod" (the special effects worked a little too well), and possessed Sarah in "Three Geeks and a Demon".
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: For a Disney Channel show, it can get pretty dark.
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