Mutant X
A television series created by Marvel Studios (a division of Marvel Comics), Mutant X centers around the eponymous team of "New Mutants" who possess extraordinary powers as a result of genetic engineering. Like hundreds of other unsuspecting people, the members of Mutant X were used as test subjects in a series of covert government experiments by Genomex, which now wants to control these New Mutants for its own purposes. The mission of Mutant X is to seek out their fellow New Mutants, help them come to terms with their abilities and protect them from those who want only to exploit their powers.
Mutant X is unrelated to the Comic Book series of the same name, or anything else involving mutants and X-es. However, according to Volume 5 of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z hardcovers, the Mutant X TV series takes place on Earth-704509, making it an Alternate Reality in the Marvel Multiverse.
Even though the series had high ratings and was renewed for a fourth season, it was abruptly canceled in 2004 due to the dismantling of Fireworks Entertainment, one of the production companies.
- Action Girl: Shalimar
- All Your Powers Combined: Gabriel Ashlocke.
- Anyone Can Die: Poor Emma.
- Badass Normal: Adam
- Big Damn Heroes
- Cape Busters: The Genetic Security Agency (GSA).
- Catgirl: Shalimar has cat DNA! No ears or tail, though.
- Career Killers/Murder, Inc.: Blue Bolt from the episode "Under The Cloak of War" is a group of Badass Normal Assassins with high-tech weapons.
- Cool Ship: The Helix.
- Dating Catwoman
- Dropped A Bridge On Her: Emma
- Elaborate Underground Base: The Sanctuary.
- The Empath: Emma.
- Mr. Fanservice: Brennan.
- Evil Albino: Eckhart.
- Evil Twin: "Double Vision".
- Genetic Engineering Is the New Nuke
- Girls Behind Bars: "The Taking of Crows"
- Green Lantern Ring: One character's electricity powers were treated as this. In fact this is so common in media it could probably be its own trope.
- Hell-Bent for Leather
- I'm Not Hungry: Aldous Berkeley
- La RĂ©sistance
- Law of Inverse Paternity: "Whiter Shade of Pale"
- Literal Cliff Hanger: At the end of Season 2.
- Mad Scientist: Eckhart
- Arguably, Adam. According to Canon, Eckhart isn't a scientist, but Adam is.
- Monster Of The Monster."
- Mutants
- Mysterious Past
- Myth Arc: A different villain each season.
- One Person, One Power - everyone except Ashlocke.
- Psychic Powers
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
- Restraining Bolt
- Shock and Awe: Brennan
- Superhece.
- Swiss Cheese Security
- Team Dad: Adam
- True Companions
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Shalimar
- Will They or Won't They?: Shalimar and Brennan.
- And to a lesser extent, Jesse and Emma as well.