< Mushroom Kingdom Fusion
Mushroom Kingdom Fusion/YMMV
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: The reaction to Mega Man becoming playable as a secret character.
- Awesome Music: Most, if not all, of the music tracks are remixed versions of the originals. Most, if not all, of the music is awesome. Mostly because they just took awesome music from other video games.
- Breather Boss: The Necromancer, after Corpse Of The Behemoth, perhaps the most brutal stage in the game.
- Complaining About People Not Liking the Show: Some of the developers of this game are known to get defensive and even retaliatory if anyone even mildly criticizes anything done in this game, whether it is level design or enemy placements. It's gotten better.
- Ensemble Darkhorse / Memetic Badass: The invincible debug character, Vinny (a Palette Swap of Mario), has achieved this status among the community. Some call for him to appear in the actual game as a boss of some sort.
- Fan Dumb: The community had taken a downward spiral during and briefly after 2009, never dropping issues, being overly defensive against even the slightest criticism of MKF (even though the development team acknowledges the game has many flaws), and thinking their opinions are the only ones that matter. The zeal lead to fans adopting the opinions of the dev team as their own and fighting the critics in the name of the development team. The worst case of this was when overzealous Reactor member actually vandalized an article for the project on Encyclopedia Dramatica. It's gotten much better since then.
- When it comes to independent, unrelated personal game projects of the developers, the fans will bother them about adding crossover elements, as if those games are offshoots of Mushroom Kingdom Fusion.
- The Xeno Fighters EX remake took a stand. It will not turn into an MKF of shmups by adding random things that weren't from Shmups (Pokemon, among other things). Zapdos was allowed to stay, however.
- When it comes to independent, unrelated personal game projects of the developers, the fans will bother them about adding crossover elements, as if those games are offshoots of Mushroom Kingdom Fusion.
- Fridge Logic: The game's developers don't really take minor things in continuities into account so the game can be more entertaining. For instance, Sonic can use a rifle despite previously saying he would never be caught dead with one.
- Game Breaker: Vile and Zero are supposed to be this. Some accuse Tails of the same. The game is still Nintendo Hard, so...
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Two of the most thorough Let's Plays for beta versions have been done by Germans.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Demon Realm and Twisted Reality.
- Memetic Mutation: Within the community bosses exploding certainly falls under this, along with the Caco Birdo.
- WILL THIS BE IN MKF?: A question that gets asked constantly on anything Video Game related on the developers' YouTube channels, including videos of other Mario fangames.
- ...and of course the ever-popular "BUFFALO LAWNCHAIR", a glitch in an earlier version that caused the Metal Slug Heavy Machine Gun to fire a constant (and amusing!) stream of buffaloes.
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