
Mungyodance (or MGD, as it's also known) is a video game unlike other video games. Instead of a controller where you have to button mash, you stand on a panel with four arrows and follow the arrow that show up on the screen, by stepping on the matching arrows with your feet and hands.

In short, Mungyodance is essentially what Dance Dance Revolution would be like with a Furry Fandom facelift. The Mungyodance trilogy was created by a man known as Renard, using StepMania as its engine, and the game takes many influences and features from fellow SM game In The Groove; such as mines, extremely difficult charts, and modes involving visual distractions and effects applied to the arrows themselves.

Three games have been released in the series. The second (appropriately titled Mungyodance 2, released in 2007) added almost 300 new songs, changed the scoring system to be just "hit/miss" like typical American rhythm games circa 2007, and added two Interface Screw features (modbombs and Extra Mode, the former functioning much like the mines of ITG, but applying a visual distraction for a few moments when stepped on). Mungyodance 3: The Third Rave was released in August 2008, adding another 300 new songs, a new life system, different difficulty levels triggering completely different versions of songs, and a new unlock system. And yes, most of the artwork for the songs do involve anthros.

Tropes used in Mungyodance include:
  • Abadonware: Renard no longer hosts any of the games and he only host the StepMania simfiles for the songs he likes.
  • After Boss Recovery: On MGD3, hold arrows always give extra lives. Hence why Boss Rush is peppered with sections in between songs consisting of only holds.
  • Awesome Music: Video Games: While the series does have its fair share of awesome songs, it does borrow awesome music from other video games (especially in 3), such as Rez, Jet Set Radio, Ridge Racer[1], Sonic Rush Series, Beatmania, Tekken, Maximum Tune, Ollie King & Mega Man.
  • Boss Rush: One of the nonstop mixes on MGD3 is in fact, a Boss Rush, titled Boss Rush.
  • Caramelldansen: Ryu☆'s remix is in MGD3.
  • Downloadable Content: The second and third have had at least 1 expansion pack of additional songs. The third game had a second pack in the works, but it was canceled.
  • Earn Your Fun: On MGD3, all the unlockable songs become visible and playable on every third song played. Beating a locked song while in this state will unlock it permanently.
  • Easter Egg: MGD3 has quite a few of these, though the most major ones are playing Dash Hopes III on EX, and Dash Hopes II with a speed modifier of 6x.
    • The opening splash for MGD3 is from F-Zero GX.
  • Expy: The entire game is an expy of either In The Groove or Dance Dance Revolution, the Destination series is a parody of DDR's constantly remixed boss songs (i.e. Paranoia, Trip Machine, etc), "Due in One Hour" and "Dis" are parodies/Jimmy Harts or influenced by "DUE_TOMORROW" (from Beatmania) and Vertex (from ITG) respectively, etc
  • Furry Fandom: Masterminded by a promiment member of, Renard. So of course, expect a lot of anthro art.
    • The presence of "Move Your Dead Bones" on MGD3 is in fact a reference to this too.
  • Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: Easy, Medium, Hard, Pro, INSANE, Another)
  • Interface Screw: In two forms beginning on MGD2, the Mod Bombs (similar to mines from In The Groove, except that they apply a modifier to the arrows when hit), and Extra Mode (Which is essentially Marathon Mode cranked up to eleven.)
  • Rank Inflation: Averted, as the evaluation has gotten progressively simpler throughout the series, starting with DDR-style letter grades, then a ranking out of 1-8 paws, and then just a straight "hits/misses" tally. The first game even used DDR-styled judgements per step, but these were dropped for hits/misses on the second.
  • Spiritual Successor: Shortly before the release of MGD3, Renard announced plans for "5 Step Adventure", a Pump It Up clone with Pop'n Music-like style characters and artwork, and a quest mode using Extra Mode-styled scripts. It unfortunately got cancelled.
  • Split Personality: Renard, who much like the average Bemani artist, has a thousand different pen names. [2]
  • That One Boss: Many songs can qualify as this, but most notably the higher leveled songs on MGD 3 such as Please II (high speed crossovers), the Destination series, Lune Noir, and others.
    • If the artist says Bond[3], expect the chart to be stuffed with jumps and hold all over.
  • Help Me, Erin! gets flak for consisting of almost nothing but handplants and jumps.
  • The Tetris Effect: Parodied to the fullest extent of the law.
  • Unexpected Music Change: The "EX" songs on MGD3, which invariably uses a remix of the song it is attached to, or a completely different one (case in point, Dash Hopes III EX)
  • Unwinnable: Dash Hopes III. Dash Hopes was supposed to be this, but someone cleared it. Then Dash Hopes 2 was at first considered this as well, but turns out some players are quite god tier.
  1. ↑ Especially Ridge Racer
  2. ↑ Adraen, Azrael, Darius, D-Mode-D, Emoticon/Furries in a Blender, Hecate, Jackal Queenston, Jaql, Kettu, Kitcaliber, Kitsune^2, Lollipop, Mayhem, MGD Assault Force, MGD-Crew, Mr. R, Neko, Negaren, Omicron Complex, Renard, Sigma, Sno.Lukav and Sonitus Vir. Whew!
  3. ↑ as in the string quartet
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