< Motorcity


Julie: I'm wrecked!
Dutch: Me too!
Texas: I can still punch but my car won't start.

  • Chuck's a good wingman, especially when it comes to color commentary.

Chuck: This is a ridiculous amount of lasers!

"Texas punch good! Oh no! Not Texas!"

    • Also from "Ride the Lightning":

Chuck: You know... I may not make it back.
Claire: Wait, what? (to Julie) You're leaving? Again?
Chuck: I said, I may not-
Claire: (totally ignoring Chuck) Look, you can't leave me here again, okay? I'll die of weirdness!
Chuck: ...okay, I'm gonna go now.
Chuck takes maybe three steps before slipping and wiping out on 9 Lives.

    • Even funnier on a second watch: He falls on purpose, then crawls off the roof of the car and in through the open window like he wants to hide.
  • Dutch needs to work on his compliments:

Dutch: Jacob! I have never been so happy to see your old, wrinkly face!
Jacob: Uh... thanks?

  • The moment when the Burners minus Mike are moping over their failed takedown of the weather machine and all of a sudden Texas gets up to swing and SMASH the table they were sitting at. And as a bonus, if you look closely, Dutch and Chuck jump in surprise while Julie just looks kind of peeved, as if Texas does this all the time.
  • The opening of "Texas-ify it."

Kane: I have a gun that shoots a snake!

    • Texas gets a lot of good lines in this episode, the possible crowner being when describing his team:

Texas: I mean, you can't just tie these tankers up with rope, ya gotta weld it. Dutch can do that, and Julie's good with infiltrating, Mike can take credit for everything, and Chuck?...
Chuck: [Chuck smiles.]
Texas:...well, I don't know what Chuck does but he can like, scream or something.

Chuck: [Chuck frowns.]

    • The team could do with a lesson in effective communications:

Mike: How much of that [weed killer] do you have?
Jacob: How much do you need?
Mike: How much do you have?
Jacob: Well, how much do you need?
Mike: How much do you have?
Jacob: GAH! Will you just tell me how much you need?

    • After hearing Chuck yelling because his sample just tried to eat him...

Kaia: Is everyone okay? I thought I heard a lady screaming.

    • Afterwards, as Mike's giving a super-serious little speech to Kaia about how they're not going to help her, Chuck interrupts.

Chuck: And I do not scream like a lady!

  • The Duke of Detroit is a mash-up of hilarity, awesomeness and nightmare fuel: He's completely over-the-top style-wise, hyena-laughing mad and incredibly influential among the gangs of Motorcity.
  • Texas and Dutch have to share a bed, and wind up spooning. Dutch is not pleased. Texas sleeps like a baby.
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